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"Merry Christmas!" Maeve said cheerfully, waking Remus up.

"Mm, morning sunshine, Merry Christmas," He said in his gravelly morning voice, opening his eyes slowly.

She put a cup of tea on his bedside table, and one on her own. He grinned when she saw the penguin mug he had been given, it was his favourite.

Maeve climbed into bed and leant against the headboard, Remus following suit. Sofia padded proudly into the room and jumped gracefully on their bed as she would do every morning, and stretched out, laying in the small gap between the couple comfortably.

Sofia's other two kittens had joined muggle families near Remus' house, as they had found a few households interested in getting a new cat by asking around, and thought it would be nice to have them still nearby to Sofia.

Maeve and Remus sat there contentedly for a few minutes, sipping their tea, waking up, enjoying the warm morning sun beaming into the room.

"Hey, I have to talk to you about something," Maeve said, turning to Remus.

She giggled at his hair, which was absolutely bonkers in the morning. She reached out a hand and tried to flatten it slightly, but it didn't really work. He smiled softly, grabbed her hand, and kissed it.

"What is it, love?" He asked.

"So...well...I pulled a few strings and I managed to get your Mum an appointment at St. Mungo's," Maeve said, looking away from him, nervous he would be annoyed at her for going behind his back or something stupid.

But he wasn't annoyed, of course he wasn't.

"Wow..." He breathed, looking at her as if she had just agreed to marry him, "You...you didn't have to do that."

"But I did!" She said, smiling, "I promised Hope I would. And also, of course, both of your parents have been so lovely to me as I've stayed here, I felt it was only right to repay them somehow."

"You're brilliant," He grinned before leaning over Sofia carefully to kiss Maeve for a moment, "Thank you."

"It's okay," Maeve looked down bashfully, "It was the least I could do...and I told her about it last night, so we can all talk about it as soon as you want. The appointment's on January 3rd."

"Okay, yeah, we'll talk about it then, this evening maybe," Remus nodded.

They went back to drinking their tea, both with larger smiles on their faces now. Sofia had moved a few inches over to curl up in a ball on Remus' lap.

≿ ———————— ❈ ———————— ≾

"Present time!" Lyall came dancing into the living room.

"His favourite time of the year, I swear," Hope muttered to Maeve, who giggled quietly.

"Us first," Remus raised his hand, "Me and Maeve got these for the both of you."

He went over to the Christmas tree in the corner of the room that they had all decorated it a couple days ago. First, he brought out a medium-sized box in red wrapping paper and handed it to his Mum. Then, he pulled out a smaller box, wrapped in the same wrapping paper (but a wrapped a bit messier than his Mum's).

"This one's for you," He winked at Maeve, and handed a box to her too.

"Aw, thank you," She giggled, taking the box in her hands.

"Go on then, open them!"

Maeve grinned at him, before looking down to the present and began to open it. It was a white box. She lifted the lid and her eyes widened as she saw the contents.

⚯͛ Unfortunate - Remus Lupin ⚯͛Where stories live. Discover now