The Creepypasta

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-Slenderman's PoV-

We were happy that we found our Soulmate at last. Splendy hugged her in happiness, making her giggled.

My Zalgo that giggle is cute.

We saw at her back that there is a 3 scars that looks like a claw mark, making anger boiled up in me but I tried to stay calm.

Few hours later we got to know each other, we went downstairs to introduce her, We were shock that she just smile at them not feeling scared of their appearance and that made me happy.

We ate dinner, Y/n said that she wasn't hungry so she sat next to E.J, Splendy keeps saying to Offender that she is adorable, even Trendy join in their conversation too.

Y/n was talking to Jane until Jeff accidentally throw the knife to Y/n, What shock me and my brothers is that she caught it with her finger still talking to Jane, who was caught up on talking about how he hate Jeff. 

"whoops sorry Y/n didn't mean to do that, but I'm impressed that you caught that in a matter of seconds" Jeff said taking his knife. Y/n smiled at him.

"at the matter of fact I am great with catching knife, but not to brag" She said, and smiled.

"woahh.." Jeff said and go back to his seat, Everyone finished their dinner and go to the living room, Y/n help me wash the dishes. Me and my brothers and y/n sat at the other couch, Y/n on my lap Splendy's head in Y/n's shoulder, Trendy and Offender lays on Y/n's lap.

We watch the Insidious 2, the Pasta make some comments here and there. I felt Y/n's body felt limp, Trendy and Offender saw this and told me she fell asleep.

I carry her to her room (don't ask Wattpad Logic) I tuck her in and kiss her forehead. I left her alone and head to the living room to saw the Pasta asleep along with my brothers, I chuckle and shook my head.

I head to my room and sleep.

-Morning brought to you by Offender fucking a llama-

I woke up to a smell of Bacon, Waffles and Eggs. I teleport to the kitchen to saw Y/n cooking with an apron on. Trendy, Offender, Splendy appeared beside me.

We all blush as we saw what Y/n was wearing, it was a huge shirt with a pajama pants on her hear on a messy bun. She turn around and wave at us.

"Hey guys, I didn't know you all awake this early but I made breakfast and coffee for you Slendy and Trendy, hot chocolate for Splendy and wine for Offendy" I think I felt my heart was struck with an arrow as she said our nicknames.

"thanks love" Offender said, he go to the dining room and began to eat. "Thanks Sweetie" Trendy said and kiss her forehead, he follow Offender and began to eat too.

"Yay!! Thanks Y/n!!!" Splendy said, and hug her tight. She smiled sweetly, and Splendy head towards the Dining room to eat, I kiss her forehead and thanks her before heading to the Dining room.

Splendy squeal as he drink the hot chocolate. "this is the best Hot Chocolate ever!" He said taking a sip.
Me and Trender drank our coffee and our 'eyes' widened. This was the best coffee that I ever taste, "Taste great than I make it" I said and Trender nodded, "Yeah tasty than my assistant can make" He comment, Offender who was just looking at his wine mouth wide open.

"Brother are you ok?" Splendy as shaking Offender, "this is the best wine ever!!!" He yelled, Y/n comes out the kitchen holding a tray of spaghetti for Sally and Lazari and place them on the table.

"How are your drinks?" She ask smiling at us, "Amazing!" Splendy compliment for us, "want me to tell you the secret in it?" She said making us 4 nod.

"well.. For Splendy's hot chocolate has cocoa, with a chocolate powder and my homemade marshmallow that I create only for once a month, Trendy and Splendy's coffee, has milk, bitter coffee powder and sweet too. Offender's wine was a blood of a vampire and a mix of normal alcoholic wine" She finished in one sentence without breathing.

"Can you make this everyday please" Splendy said making us look at her, she giggle and approve.

Little did they know Slender's ex girlfriend was watching them in the distance.

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