You Made A Mistake Of Making Me Mad

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-Y/n's PoV-

I'm here at the town chilling, I basically beg Slendy to let me go to a nearby town to relax and he agreed although reluctanlty when I used my puppy eyes to him, Ha! He can't even resist my puppy eyes, but anyway. I was just walking with my head down when I was suddenly pushed to the ground.

"lookie here a newbie" said an unfamilliar voice, I look up to see 3 people, one was, a girl with blue hair, green eyes, she was wearing a cute skirt and have a blue tank top on, the other one is a boy with green hair, yellow eyes that it was almost orange, he was wearing a hoodie and blue jeans (whats with them and wearing jeans all the time? Sorry back to the story) He was cute thought but his attitude doesn't suit him.

The other boy was taller then the other one, he has black hair, blue eyes, he was wearing a t-shirt that said 'fuck off, bitches' he was wearing jeans too. "eww look at her clothing, she doesn't even look pretty" said the girl with blue hair, "yeah she looks weak to me" said the short guy that has the same height as me but few inches tall than him, I stand up dusting off any kind of dirt.

"you know you're pretty for your age if it weren't for that make-up your wearing right now" I said bluntly, making her face goes red in embarrassment and anger. "How dare you say that to me!" She shout, she's lucky that we're are in an alley if not I would embarrassed her more.

"No one ever talk to my girlfriend like that you got it!?" said the tall guy, he was about 6'2. "like I care if I talk bad about her like that and If I were you, you better lock your doors and windows," I said pausing for a bit, and grabbing my knife from my pocket to show them I'm not kidding "because if you don't, your parents will be seeing your corpse rotting there" I said, I start to walk away and laugh maniacly (is that how you spell it??) after seeing their frightened state.


Ok so I got the info of the 3 people that talk bad about me a few hours ago, their names are Rose (soryy if that's your name if you want to change it you have the right to just comment down below on what the girl's name will be), Mark and Joseph.

This is Rose info:

Name: Rose Carter
Age: 16
Appearance:Blue hair, green eyes, pale skin.
About: she is a spoiled brat that everyone always adores, they call her the 'Goddess' at their school, Her dad is a workaholic worker, and her Mom works at a bar as a Stripper and Waitress, Rose have been sex with over 45 boys in her school and has not been pregnant teven though they would never use protection.

Eww. What the actual fuck? Thats gross. I sneak in to her house and saw her parents are not there, I sneak again to her room to see her laying there peacefully. I got my butterfly knife, and I went to her covering her mouth in the process. Her eyes snap open then she look at me fear in her eyes. "shhh YoU MaDe A mIStaKe Of MakInG mE mAd" I said and stab her on the heart 7 times the to her head 2 times.

-after killing the 3 victims cause I'm too lazy to make the murder scene-

I was soak in blood head to toe as I walk throughout the woods, I was feeling a bit tired so I climb a thick tall tree, and sleep there for the mean time since I'm to lazy to walk back.

Sorry its short, I'm going to go to my grandfathers funeral again but this time a different grandfather, I hope I can make it up to ya'll on the next update.

Jallene Out~

My 4 Soulmate (Slender Brothers x reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن