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-Y/n's PoV-

I heard a bang outside, we go outside to see my one and only... 

Father. (sorry I just need to make you as Zalgo's daughter)

I growl, The Slender brothers teleport out to see their mouths ripped apart even Splendy and Offendy. I can feel their rage flowing covering mine.

"ahhhh Slender my old friend I see you have one of my daughter" He said, I growl lowly not letting them hear, "what are you talking about" Slendy said, My eyes glows slightly red.

"You see you've been soulmate to my only daughter, Y/n when she is supposed to be married to someone else" father said and his head snapped to me, a smirk plastered on his face.

'Dear God help me or I might rip that smirk on his face' I thought, my eyes now glowing like a fire would.

"like hell you've been dad" I said, using my old demonic voice. "now now don't be like that to you're father" He said his smirk still there, Imaking me growl again.

"you are to leave this place at once!!" Slender said his voice booming, My so called dad snickered and shook his head. "oh dear no, not before she comes with me if not....War is coming" He said, with his smug look.

My body flickered to a demon like him but change quickly, "no way in hell I will come with you, not now not ever" I shout, he tsked and said to his demons.

"Kill them"

Ok Im sorry if its short but tomorrow i think will be long or something but for now I got nothing to write anyway I hope you enjoy

Jallene Out-

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