Chapter 5

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OK. I am changing the book a little. you know how Rick has one chapter that focuses on one character. I will be doing that.


Thalia entered the Artemis cabin. Her heart was broken. she didn't hear anything past what Jason said about bringing Kronos back......if they could bring Kronos back.........maybe Luke would come back too.

Artemis came up to her. "Thalia, are you alright?" "NO, SO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE. ANOTHER PROPHECY...." Thalia calmed down and started crying  "I can't do it"

"Oh Thalia, what happened?" Armies said sitting Thalia at the end of her bed. The other hunters came over.

" I don't......Artemis...........can I .............. can I stay in the Zeus cabin tonight?" Thalia said. She just wanted to be alone. " If you promise you will be OK by yourself" Artemis spoke hesitantly " I will be" Thalia stood and ran out of the cabin,


Jason came to the Zeus cabin to be alone. the thunder shock the building. Jason sat in the corner. when he heard the door open and a girl scream "LUKE" Jason ran over only to notice Thalia on the floor. He walked over and held her in his arms, Thalia's breathing slowed down

 " Thalia. are you okay?"

" No Jason. I thought I was done with prophecies, and war."

" Thalia, I retired from the army, but I still have to fight, the fates will never let you escape. but you can change the outcome." Thalia looked at Jason. 

"why do you have to be a genius?" she asked jokingly

" Well a 17 year old ex preator kind of has to be right?"

" I wouldn't know." She laughed. Jason helped her to her feet.

" You can have the cot tonight if you would like." Jason said. Thalia tried to argue but Jason forced her to sleep on the cot.

Jason tried to sleep but of corse no luck...............................a nightmare

Ohhhhhhhhh cliffhanger....duh duh duh......................... I want BoO so bad. I get to read it on Wednesday................if my Mid Terms are done. *crosses fingers*

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