IChapter 9

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Thalia POV Yes you have to wait to know about Nico >:)

Thalia woke up in a cold sweat, she stretched her leg and kicked Jason's ribs. He sat up " Thanks for the kick." He sarcastically said. " I didn't mean to. forgot you where there." Jason smiled " Wow. I see how much you love me." Thalia kicked him again " Very funny, Grace." Jason kicked her back this time " I am funny, Grace." They both laughed and Thalia relaxed from her nightmare."Thalia?" Jason asked out of no where. " ya? what do you need" Jason paused "Well.....Piper and I are 17...and I am about to graduate high school....and I.....I want to go to collage with her.....and maybe.......nevermind" Thalia slapped him in the arm " Tell me now!" Jason shrugged. " Percy and I......we where thinking.....we would..ya know....ask....'the question'" Thalia screamed "YES. Oh my little brother wants to get married. Wait?!?! Where would you live?" Jason smiled, " I have savings, I could buy a house in new Rome. I got a job at training new demigods in swords practice, I could support Pipes and I." Thalia hugged Jason " I am so proud of you.

The sun began to raise about the mountains, a golden haze stretched over the mountains. Jason sighed..."let's get going" they trugged down to the road. The had mad it to Dover Delaware without any monsters. they hoped to keep it that way. They went into a local Deny's for some breakfast. once the where seated Thalia decided to tell Jason about her dream.

" Jason, last night I had a dream." Thalia started " What about." Jason inquired. " before I continue you need to let me finish." "Ok, you can. If you ever start."

" Well, we went to Mt. Tam..............things went wrong......there was a battle and.....Kronos rised, but......he wasn't restrain...and he.......he killed you Jason." Jason shrugged. "like a titan can kill me" he turned and walk down hill.

Thalia still didn't feel right.................. Something bad was going to happen

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