Chapter 14

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Nico's POV

After Ouranus let Nico lost hope. He wanted to die. But he knew Hazel couldn't fight on her own. Nico then got an insane idea. He had to find Ouranus, and he had a good idea or where to start. He went into the store with Hazel and bought A LOT of winter jackets. Hazel looked at him "What are going to do?" she asked Nico smiled at her "Somewhere REALLY cold"

Black most surrounded the two siblings. Inane matter of seconds they stood on a tall mountain the wind blew them so hard Nico lost his balance and fell in the snow. Hazel screamed over the wind "WHERE IN PLUTO'S BEAUTIFUL NAME ARE WE" nico stood and yelled back "MT. Everest its the best option. Highest mountain I could think of. I came here one year by mistake. And I found a cave and I started in it when my shadow travel got out of wacky and zapped me to France"

There was a deep laugh when Nico heard "YOU FINALLY MADE IT"

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