Chapter 12

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Jason's POV

I walked next to Thalia all day long, my feet hurt, and I was hungry. we walked all dya and still we where no where near San Francisco. Just then... dad showed up. He explained how we where going on his private jet. "No no no no" Thailia said Zeus wen up to her and stuck a needle in her arm, he turned to me and did the same. Ya i know what a great dad. I blacked out, and had the same dream as the past few nights.

I was on Mt. Tam the wind blowing through my jacket and piercing my bones, I held on to the alter in which we where going to rise Kronos. Thalia let go of my hands and backed up. Tears running down her face. I see what is wrong. It isn't Kronos in the coffin. It is Luke. I take a step forward and see him stirring I help him up. He stands looking completely confused. In a matter of seconds his eyes turn a golden and a scythe. He tuned to me then pierced me with his weapon. He turned to Thalia and then

I sat bolt upright. I was sweating and my side hurt. I looked around and saw we where on a jet.. I looked out the window then down the isle. I got up and walked to the Pilots chair... no one was there. I looked around some more starting to panic. the plane was going down... just great. I gave a quick prayer to my dad then sat in the chair. My palms all sweaty. I grabbed the wheel. I tried to land gracefully but it was really bumpy. Anyways I landed the jet and ran to Thaila. I got her off as soon as I could. We got off and I looked around.... Mt. Tam...... we made it

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