New Year's Eve

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Dianne's POV
It's New Years Eve and I'm just on the plane on the way back to the UK after spending Christmas in Australia with my family, it was amazing to spend time with them but I can't wait to be reunited with my Suggy boy.

Joe's POV
Today I'm going to be reunited with my girl my one and only redhead, we may have only spent a short time apart but I've missed her loads. While I wait for her to arrive I better learn my lines for tonight's presenting gig.

Dianne's arrived back in the uk & has sent a text to Joe

Joe❤️ - Hey babe, just landed back in the UK, I'm going to come straight to you. Can't wait to hug & kiss you 😘 . See you soon ❤️💜 Di xxx

5 mins later

Dianne❤️💜 - Hey babe, ok come straight to my dressing room. I'll be waiting for you. Me either 😘😘 see you soon ❤️ Joey xxx

While in taxi I decide to add a pic to my Instagram

While in taxi I decide to add a pic to my Instagram

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Enroute 💙💜 soon Suggy xxx

Dianne's POV
Just arrived at Central Hall Westminster now to find my Suggy (and no I don't mean Suggy from Madness either)

Joe's POV
Just finishing off learning my lines when there's a knock at the door I go to and open to find my beautiful redheaded girlfriend stood there.

Di "Joey I've missed you, come here"
Joe "Dianne my darling come here I've missed you so so much"

After about 10 minutes of just standing there in the doorway just hugging and kissing each other we go into my dressing room.

Dianne's POV
We go into Joe's dressing room and just snuggle up on the sofa with my sat on Joe's lap just the occasional look at each other & kiss. It's so nice being back in my boyfriends arm.

Joe's POV
Presenting with Stacey tonight has gone really well, it's now 5 minutes till we welcome 2019 in, I never thought I'd be here on New Years Eve presenting on live TV with my girlfriend stood not far from me. This is the best New Years Eve ever.

Dianne's POV
Stood here watching Joe do his thing, I'm unbelievably proud of him & I think NO I know that I love him. But I don't know when to say it because it's still early into our relationship, though we did become boyfriend and girlfriend the day after the Strictly final.

Dianne decides to post on Instagram just after seeing the new year in with her boy.

Reunited with this one tonight so unbelievably proud of you

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Reunited with this one tonight so unbelievably proud of you. Here's to 2019 Suggy 💙💜

Joe's POV
Just sat here getting changed after the best night thinking how lucky I am that I'll always have the best girl by my side supporting me in whatever I do. I'm falling in love with Di but I don't want to scare her off by saying those three little words.

Dianne "Joe can we go home now babe I'm tired and really want to get into our bed and snuggle with you"
Joe "Of course babe Uber has just been ordered, let's get you home & to bed"

Joe's POV
In the Uber on the way home I have a very sleepy Di on my shoulder her hand in mine stroking my thumb on her hand making her more and more relaxed.

Dianne's POV
Only place I want to be right now is next to Joe holding his hand, lent on his shoulder so relaxed I could easily fall asleep.

Joe's POV
Arriving back home I wheel Dianne's suitcases through the front door Dianne disappearing straight away, carrying them upstairs I have no idea where she's gone, I come back downstairs to go and find her to find she's in the spare room asleep on top of the bed still in her clothes. I take her shoes off & place a blanket over her, taking my top & trousers off laying down beside her.

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