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Dianne's POV

I've had the best time with Andrew & Mel visiting Joseph and I but I'm ready to get away and have some alone time with my Joseph. I do love my job but when I'm away I miss Joey a lot so to have this holiday before it all starts again is exactly what I need.

Joe's POV

Currently sat unpacking my suitcases in our amazing hotel room while watching my girlfriend put hers away as the room looks as though the suitcase just exploded everywhere however I would not change her at all I love her just the way she is.
Unpacking finished, a little nap taken, we've decided to go and explore and find somewhere to eat before coming back to our room to watch the sunset by the pool then finish the night with a few drinks in the hotel bar.

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Dianne's POV

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Dianne's POV

While Joseph is editing his vlog for tonight I've come outside to do a bit of yoga before we go for breakfast. As I'm coming to the end of my yoga session it feels as through someone's watching me, as I start to get up off the mat I spot someone in the car park that's across the road from our hotel. To my surprise it's a pap, oh brilliant a nice sweaty unflattering pic of myself will soon be online.

Joe's POV

It's our first proper day here, while Dot does a bit of yoga I thought I'd edit a vlog while I wait before we head out to breakfast then the swimming pool. Just as I'm finishing Di comes back in and I can tell somethings not right, as she sits down she says there's a pap outside in the car park and he's taken photos of her while she's done yoga. I know they've got a job to do but to take a pic from an unflattering angle is so wrong. I hate seeing her like this feeling so self conscious all because a pap needed to get a shot.

Later in the day

As we're walking around this gorgeous place we come across the pap taking more photos so we just smile and wave and carry on with our day. We're not gonna to allow them to spoil our day or ruin our holiday. We've had such a nice morning, went to this cute place for breakfast, then for a morning swim and sunbathe by the pool now for a bit of lunch. After a lovely lunch we headed back to the hotel to change and rest before having some room service delivered to the room before watching the sunset.

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Dianne's POV

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Dianne's POV

Have had such an amazing holiday with my Joseph making more memories with the one I love but it's back to work now before we celebrate Joseph's birthday.

Joe's POV

Just arrived home from an amazing holiday with the best company but now it's back to learning lines before I start in Waitress but before that it's the filming for the Strictly launch and my birthday.

A/N finally after I don't know how long I've got around to writing and posting this, I've wrote this then deleted then rewrote so many times, I'm still not 100% happy with this one so please let me know what you think.



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