Joe's Birthday

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Dianne's POV

Currently lay on my Joseph's chest thinking back to last night where we celebrated Joe's birthday and the Strictly launch show, to think that this time last year I was celebrating here with my new dance partner in his home & now I'm celebrating with my boyfriend in our home it's so crazy how things can change in a year, what an amazing year it has been so far. Last night we drunk, we danced, we sung and we laughed, to have our friends, colleagues and Joe's family her under one roof was amazing. As I'm in a world of my own I can feel my Joseph stir underneath me as our eyes meet I go to speak but I'm stopped by Joe's lips on mine.

Joe "good morning beautiful"
Di "good morning handsome, Happy Birthday"
Joe "thank you my love, what's the plan for today?"
Di "well first birthday presents, then breakfast, cuddles, birthday cake, kisses, clean the house, kisses and cuddles, dancing but not necessarily in that order"
     "Let's go and see if Zoe and Alfie are up yet"
Joe "I like the sound of that especially the kisses and cuddles part, not really looking forward to cleaning up the mess that Mr Lee Ryan made though. Right let's go gorgeous"
      "Oh Dot one more I love you"
Di "I love you more Joseph."

Joe's POV

I will never get over this feeling of waking up every morning with my beautiful redhead on my chest, to think last year after the Strictly launch show/ birthday party I woke up in bed with Tom to now waking up year later with my girlfriend on my chest on my birthday, how did I get here. I feel so lucky, Dots friends are now my friends and my friends are now Dots friends, celebrating with them all last night was the cherry on top of the cake however the clean up has to begin this may be the last time I invite Lee Ryan to my house for a party.

Downstairs with Zalfie

Breakfast has been ordered, no-one wanted to cook so a McDonald's breakfast is the winner while waiting for the delivery to arrive they sit down on the sofa to vlog Joe while he opens his presents. He's had so many from his mum, Zalfie, Dianne and even from Dianne's colleagues. He's been truly spoiled.

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Later in the day

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Later in the day

Joe's POV

It's been an hour since Zoe and Alfie left and all myself and Dot have done is chill on the sofa sharing the odd kiss whilst cuddling as much as I love this it's not really getting the house clean.

Joe "Dot we need to move let's get up and start sorting this place out, the quicker we start the quicker we're back here."
Di "ok you're right let's get this done."

Dianne's POV

All bedding in wash, bathrooms cleaned, bedrooms tidied, kitchen cleaned, living room sorted and mopping done we've had a productive couple of hours getting the house back to normal and looking spotless it's just fixing the living room light which can be done another day. We've even managed to get in a dance whilst mopping however i was highly aware that Joe was vlogging this and had to make sure we kept it PG otherwise the jump cut will be a massive giveaway that Joe had more than the presents we've shown on his birthday vlog.

Joe's POV

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Joe's POV

This whole weekend has been great this birthday has topped off all the others, from next weekend we will only have all day together every Sunday so before mine and Di's work takes over our days we are spending it cuddled up on the sofa with some birthday cake and a movie.

Some pics from Strictly launch show/ joe's birthday party

Some pics from Strictly launch show/ joe's birthday party

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