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Dianne's POV
As I'm sat at home in Joe's office editing a video for my YouTube channel hoping to get it done for Sunday's Di at 5 so I can enjoy these next couple of days off with Joe. Just adding the last few bits to it. That's it the vlog for Sunday's Di at 5 is all done. Now to relax and wait for Joe to come home. I've just sat down on the sofa and get a message from Joe. 

Joe ❤️💜  Hey babe, just leaving office be home soon. Pack your bags we're going on an adventure oh and don't forget your passport. Love you Joey xxxx 

Joe's POV
That's the management company all sorted for the next couple of days. Now to drop a text to my girl, I'm surprising her with a trip to Finland as an early birthday present. Message from Di comes through.

Di ❤️   Hey babe, what the heck!! What clothes am I packing?? Where are we going?? I love you more Di xxxx

Joe ❤️💜   I'll tell you where we're going later, but this might give it away you need to pack clothes for the cold. Love you xxxx

Di❤️    Packing now, see you soon babe love you xxxx

Back at Joe and Dianne's

Joe "babe I'm home" shouts as he walks through the front door.

Di "Joey I'm upstairs in our bedroom" replies "I think I know where we're going Joe, we've spoken about this place a while ago, I think we're going to Finland."

Joe "yes we are!! It's your early birthday present I wanted to treat you because you've been so hardworking these last couple of months, I wanted you to relax and instead of going somewhere else hot again I thought let's go and stay in the treehouses in Finland and you can see proper snow."

Di "you've really thought about this haven't you. You are simple the best. I love you Joey."

Joe "I love you more."

Time-skip to treehouses

Di "wow!!! This place is incredible"

Joe "isn't it, the pictures of it are one thing but seeing it with your own eyes is another"

Joe and Dianne both unpacked and settled in before doing a room tour. Once they had got settled they went on a little walk to have a look at the scenery we were walking hand in hand just coming up to this sign with a Finnish word on and I got Di to say it while filming her for our holiday vlog.

Joe "Di you have to say that word while I film you"

Di "ok I'll try"

Joe "she's turned me into a frog, um Di I need a little assistance"

Di goes over to Joe and kisses him on the cheek.

Later on in the night

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Later on in the night

We've decided to stay in tonight and watch a film in Netflix, to the left if me I've got Joe with a face mask on eating some fruit, while I'm just eating fruit as we didn't have enough face masks at home to bring.

Next day

Joe's POV
Waking up to the most stunning view with my beautiful girlfriend in my arms will never get old. Today we're going to explore some of Finland but first get my girl up and have some breakfast.

Dianne's POV
Yesterday Joe surprised me with a trip away for a few days, after an awesome couple of hours here yesterday I can't wait to see what Joe's got in store for today. Waking up with my head on my blue eyed boys chest with a stunning view I couldn't ask for a better place to wake up in.

Off for breakfast then to go explore hoping that if we've got time we will get to see Santa. As we left our breakfast spot we came across this tobogganing place so we just had to have a go.

Joe on Instagram - Sliding into your Insta feed like

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Joe on Instagram - Sliding into your Insta feed like.....

Joe's POV
So we've had the best day today breakfast was gorgeous, went tobogganing which was so much fun then we went to see Santa & on the way back to the treehouse we had a snowball fight and the company was Devine.

Dianne's POV
Today's been awesome, we met Santa, went tobogganing which was amazing Joe fell of it and slid down the hill which I managed to get a video of. Currently we're sitting with the fire on with a glass of wine.

Next morning

Joe - lazy Sunday's 👌🏻

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Joe - lazy Sunday's 👌🏻

Joe's POV
Currently laying in bed legs tangled with Di on this perfect Sunday morning, however we're slightly sad to be leaving this place. It's been the best couple of days with my number 1 girl. We're both uploading a load of pics to insta stories and uploading some posts.

Dianne - When he tells you to pack ya bags we're off on an adventure

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Dianne - When he tells you to pack ya bags we're off on an adventure. Deffo an adventure I'll not forget forget. I had the best weekend ever thanks Joseph you are simply the best 😘 #makingmemories ❤️❤️

 I had the best weekend ever thanks Joseph you are simply the best 😘 #makingmemories ❤️❤️

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Joanne: Our memories in 2019 Where stories live. Discover now