New York

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Dianne's POV
I'm surprising Joe with a little mini break in New York, I've told him we're going on holiday but I haven't said where we're going. I've said I'll give him clues when we're at the airport.

Joe's POV
So Dianne's surprised me with a holiday we are currently in an Uber on the way to the airport she won't tell me where we're goi g until we've arrived at the airport but I'm trying to get clues off her, she's not giving anything away.

Arrived at the airport

Currently walking through the airport on the way to their terminal Joe gets out his phone to vlog Dianne telling him his clues on where they're going.

Joe "what's my first clue Di"

Di "well, your first clue is big"

Joe "what big I don't know where the hell are we going, Di you sure your giving me the right clues & not pulling my leg."

Di "honestly I'm not"
"Next one is.... what don't I eat before 12"

Joe "you don't eat Apples before 12"

Di "yes!! You've been there before, put the two together and what do you get?"

Joe "Big Apple, no way we're going to New York, I've always wanted to go to New York with a girlfriend and now I'm doing it."
"Thank you Di"

Di "you're welcome Joseph."
"I love you"

Joe "I love you too beautiful."

Later on the plane

Dianne's POV As Joe's vlogging he turns his phone onto me and asked me to tell his fans what he has done today

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Dianne's POV
As Joe's vlogging he turns his phone onto me and asked me to tell his fans what he has done today.
"He's only gone and surprised me with a seats upgrade so now we've got a more comfortable journey ahead for us."

Joe's POV
When Dianne told me we were going to New York I knew I had to do something for her so I told her I was going to the toilet but instead I went to upgrade our seats. She's been so busy and hardworking lately I wanted to make this trip over to the big apple as comfortable as possible.

Arrived in New York and checked into hotel currently unpacking.

Joe's POV
It's been a while since we arrived in New York and all we've done is relax on our bed and cuddle. Jet lag is unreal at the minute, as we're here for only a couple of days we don't want to get onto New York time to then end up being for to jet lagged when Di's mum and dad are in England.

Next day

Dianne's POV
This jet lag is REAL, we were meant to go for a meal on our rooftop but with both fell asleep so I've phoned them up and apologised to them and explained the situation and they've said to not worry about it and to go up today. We're going to go exploring today because Joe has been he before he's my little blue eyed tour guide and he wants to recreate some of the shots he did when he was here with Zoe and Alfie but of just me. Before we go I have to upload a cute picture of my boy and I to Instagram.

Joanne: Our memories in 2019 Where stories live. Discover now