the hero pays the price

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It's a week before the wedding and so far things were going well, eko was happier each day. And shisui was happy to marry the one he loved. Or at least that's how he acted.

When in reality he was a nervous reck, and he wasn't so sure about marrying eko and it was all very confusing to him.

And he didn't know what to do, so he went to the only person, who he knew he could calm down with.


So he was currently in itachi's room at his parents house, and they sat on the bed both of them had a beer in their hands.

" So one week from now your going to be married "

" Uh yeah I can't wait "

" I always thought we'd grow old and be single "

" Yeah, anyways how are you doing? "

" Hmm I'm doing alright, it only hurts my chest every time I'm close to my soulmate "

" Oh I see, how does it feel? "

" Hmm well the pain feels like your chest is on fire and a million swords are stabbing you. And when I'm near my soulmate my chest feel warm and like something is stabbing you repeatedly, and each day the pain increases. Some days I just don't want to get up, and curl up in a ball and cry, but I still going for the sake of this man, I really love him and if I have to die for this guy happiness I'd gladly die "

" Wow you really love this guy, I'm sorry you're going through this "

" Don't be sorry I'm doing this for the guy I love, I can simply tell him I love him. But I'm not about to break his engagement up because I want to live, I've excepted my faith, if I must die so he can be happy I'd gladly die a million times "

" You really are selfless aren't you itachi "

" Hmm I guess "

Itachi looks down at his beer and smiles, a true smile not a fake smile. Shisui saw this and smiled a time, he was sad he was losing his best friend but knew he wouldn't be able to change his mind.

" I'm going to miss you "

" Yeah, I'm just sad that I'm going to leave you guys just hanging like this. I mean I'm never going to see sasuke graduate, marry sasuke, see them have there kids, see you have kids. I'm never gonna to give my mom grandkids, and so much more. I hate making you guys suffer like this, but I can't just force someone to like me "

" I understand itachi, no matter what you decided know I'll always support you, even if it means I'm never going to see you again "

Itachi looks up at him and sees shisui looking at him and giving him his signature lopsided smile, itachi felt his insides go in a knot and the pain in his chest increase.

He didn't even notice but he had started to cry, shisui noticed this and pulled him in for a hug. Itachi was taken back but decided to ignore everything and hugged him back. He wanted to forget the pain, the stress, everything and cried, he let out all his build up sorrow and sadness out, and let shisui warmth comfort him, even though the pain in his chest was unbearable he would bear with it. For once he wanted to forget something and just be in shisui big strong arms, somewhere he knows he's safe even though the world isn't.

Shisui just hugged him and comfort him, speaking soft words in his ear, just making him cry worse. He loved him but he can't be with him, he loved someone else and it wasn't him.

there two eyes, tightly shut, the eyes that are too late, the eyes that lost you

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