He Cares for me

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Cristiano's P.O.V.

It was friday night. I was sitting on my couch sipping a cup of coffee. Then I flicked the tv on.. Then "NIKE ED SARAH SINGH INJURED IN ACCIDENT...DOCTORS SAY CONDITION STILL CRITICAL!" ..Ohh shit! I stood up and immidiately.. I came out of the house then I got a call from my manager "Hello sir- what!- Sir meeting is there tommorow mornin....-cancel it- what?- JUST CANCEL IT!- ok sir" I cut the phone and left for new york.


I got into the hospital. I went near Sarah's Room. Some 4 people were standing out. A woman was crying bitterly. I think it was her mom. The doctor came out.. I rushed towards him. He smiled and said "She is alright now! she just gotta knee injury and needs rest for a month...then she will be alright!" "Can we meet her" her mom asked. "Yeah!" he replied and went away. We all rushed into her room. Her mom hugged her and kissed her all over her face.. "My angel...are you okay?" "Yeah mama!" she comforted her. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. She chatted with her family and then she said "I wanna talk to Cris...personally!" her mom smiled and they went out. I came nearer to her and sat down near her bed. I kissed her soft white hands and said "I love you.." "I love you too" ..We kissed each other. "You'll live with me until you get well!" "But why will...." "Shh...ok baby" she agreed rather unwillingly. I convinced her dad too. Now Sarah was my responsibility.

A/N: Hey guyzz...how was the twist. Plzz vote and comment.

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