chapter 1

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POV: 3rd person
Sonic the Hedgehog, also known as the Blue Blur and Hero of Mobius, was being dragged to the main room of the Death Egg. Illusions of Shadow and Metal Sonic, which were created by the masked villain Infinite, both had ahold of the blue hedgehog and took him to their leader.

"Shadow! Why are you doing this?! I thought you were on our side!" Sonic practically yelled at, to him, the real Shadow. He didn't know they were just illusions. The hero struggled to get away but the chains around his wrists and ankles were draining his energy.

In the main room, the evil scientist Dr. Eggman was waiting for the blue rodent to be brought into the room. Infinite was leaning against one of the walls with the Phantom Ruby glowing on his chest. He was making random objects with his power.

"What do you think Infinite?" Dr. Eggman asked when he was done telling his plan on how to break his most hated enemy. The jackal made his objects disappear and looked over at the fat man. He hadn't even paid attention to what he was saying.

"I think it's a great idea... but how about having less chance that he will die?" One of Dr. Eggman's loyal robots, Orbot, suggested.

"Why would I?" Dr. Eggman said to his robot with a glare. "Besides, people say you change after a near-death experience." He said.

"Who is dead?" Another robot, Cubot, asked.

"Oh shut up you buffoon!" Dr. Eggman said. All of a sudden, the automatic doors opened and the two illusions came in together with the Blue Blur. Infinite's attention went to the young male. "Ah Sonic, my dearest enemy, glad you could make it in time. We were just talking about you." The fat man said.

"What's the deal Egghead?" Sonic asked with a growl before he was forced onto his knees.

"Make sure he stays in place." Dr. Eggman said and turned to Infinite. The jackal nodded and used his power to turn the metal floor around the blue hero into thin bars which wrapped themselves around the blue hero, making sure he couldn't get out. "Leave." Dr. Eggman ordered the two illusions who nodded and left.

"Hey!" Sonic yelled in surprise from what just happened. "Who is he anyway?" He asked and raised an eyebrow at the masked Mobian who had been staring at him since he got here.

"Oh my fault. You two haven't even met properly. This is Infinite, my latest creation. Infinite this is Sonic, you already know him." Dr. Eggman quickly introduced them to each other.

"I have to say, I'm impressed." Sonic admitted.

"Ah why thank you Sonic. You see, it wasn't easy to-"

"You are still trying to win from me but you and I both know I will always beat you." Sonic interrupted the evil scientist to continue speaking with a grin on his face. Before Dr. Eggman could say anything back, Infinite did it for him.

"I beat you in a matter of seconds. You're weak compared to me." The jackal said and clinched his first, tightening the bars around the captive's body. Sonic whimpered as he felt his body being crushed.

"You know Sonic, I have big plans for you. But since you're being cocky like usual, I won't tell you what I'm planning. Instead, you will find out yourself." Dr. Eggman said as he watched Infinite having fun with torturing the blue hedgehog. "Orbot, Cubot, go get it." He ordered his robots.

"Yes Doctor, right away." Orbot said and the two robots left. A red light started flashing on the control panel. There was a malfunction in the fabric of the Death Egg where the robots were being made.

"Infinite." Dr. Eggman said to get the jackal's attention. "Keep him in one piece while I'm gone." He said. Infinite nodded. With that, the evil-minded villain left the room.

POV: Sonic
Eggman left so now it was only me and Infinite. He was just staring at me, which made him even creepier than he already was.

"Infinite right?" I said, trying to start a conversation. I needed to know more about this new villain if I wanted to find a way to defeat him.

"I can't wait to have fun with you." His voice and the way he said it sent shivers down my spine.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He chuckled darkly and walked closer to me. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look up at him.

"You will find out yourself."

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