chapter 5

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POV: 3rd person
Sonic felt himself being surrounded by softness and slowly opened eyes. He hissed in pain when he moved. His back hurt, a lot.

"Shadow!" Sonic said when he noticed Shadow, who he still didn't know wasn't real, leaning against the wall across from his cell with his arms crossed and eyes closed. "Please. Get me out of here." Sonic slowly got up which made the blanket slide off him. Now only he noticed that his body was wrapped up in bandages. But right now, he didn't care. He wanted to get out of here. "Shadow! Please!" He begged the other.

"Why would I?" The illusion of Shadow said and opened his eyes to look at the hero. He may be an illusion but he was just like the real Shadow, that was how he was created.

"Please. I will do anything. Just get me out of here." Sonic walked up to the bars, feeling how his whole body hurt.

"Anything?" Shadow questioned with a small smirk. Infinite let his illusions do what he wanted. And what he wanted was to have Sonic. He didn't know that because of that, his illusions had the same urge to fuck Sonic.

"Yes. Just please, get me out." Sonic said, not knowing in what kind of trouble he was bringing himself into.

"Alright." Shadow grabbed the other's wrists and walked through the bars. "You will let me do what I want to you and if you satisfy me, I will consider letting you out."

"Wait! Shadow! That wasn't the deal!" Sonic yelled and got pinned down by the dominant male.

"I know, but that's what I made of it." Shadow leaned in but was stopped by his own creator.

"I told you to get me when he woke up." Infinite growled at the illusion and ordered the other to leave, which he did. He knew what Shadow was going to do and he wasn't fond of it. Only he himself could do that.

POV: Sonic
"I-Infinite." I backed away. I didn't want to feel more pain. I didn't want to get tortured again. He floated through the bars and came closer to me.

"N-No! Stay back!" I growled as I backed up against the wall. I had nowhere to go.

"Calm down." Infinite said and grabbed me. He made me lie down on the bed. "I'm just gonna treat your wounds." He removed the bandages and applied more cream on my wounds.

"Don't t-touch me." I whimpered. I didn't trust him. For I knew, he was going to dig his nails into my skin and tear me apart.

"Get used to it." He said and let his hands roam around my body.

"Stop!" I kicked him away. Infinite growled and narrowed his eyes. He pinned me down with one hand around my throat and the other kept my hands above my head. My legs were trapped under his. "Let me go!" I wasn't able to get free in any way.

"You can't order me around. I'm the one in control here." He took his mask off. I have only seen him do that around me.

"Wh-What are you doing?!" I could feel his fangs against my shoulder.

He's gonna kill me and drink my blood!

POV: Infinite
I moved my hand away from his neck and slowly caressed his side. His breath hitched. I placed my fangs against his neck and he started to shake.

"Please... d-don't kill me.." Sonic whimpered as he lay completely still. He was so afraid.

"You really think I want to kill you?" I chuckled darkly and kissed his neck. "I'm not planning on killing you." I said before biting down on his neck. Sonic whimpered louder and clenched his fists. I pulled away after a while and admired the claim mark I had left. "Let's hope it will be visible so everyone knows you're mine."

"I'm not y-yours!" Sonic tried pushing me away as soon as I let go of his hands.

"Oh yes you are." I leaned down and kissed him. His eyes widened and he gasped. I took the opportunity to let my tongue wander around his mouth.

"Mmhh!" He was weak compared to me. He didn't have the strength to stop me. "Mh~"

He's so sensitive. I'm only kissing him and I'm already making him moan.

"How about we take this further?" I grabbed his butt and kissed down his chest.

"N-No... Stop!" Sonic started to cry. I pulled his body against mine and bit on the tip of his ear.

"Infinite. You're needed on a mission, this instant." Zavok came by to deliver a message from Dr. Eggman.

"Alright. Tell him I will come soon." I told him. He nodded and left. I turned my attention back to Sonic and kissed him once again. "I will come back, and then we can finish this."

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