chapter 11

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POV: 3rd person
Sonic turned around, getting into fighting position. Even though he was exhausted, he was ready to fight. He knew he could still put up a fight. He had fought Metal Sonic enough times while being on the edge of passing out. And if he beat Infinite, he would be free.

"I told you the consequences of what will happen to you if you disobey me." Infinite was floating in the air, looking down at the blue hedgehog and his metal copy. Sonic narrowed his eyes at the villain and did a homing-attack, only to be blown back a few feet. He managed to land on his feet and dashed to Infinite.

"Fighting me is useless." Infinite made the walls close in, trapping Sonic between them. He created something to keep Sonic busy while he fought Metal. Not that it would be much of a fight.

"AAAHA!" Sonic screamed in agony as he was penetrated by a large fake dick. Blood covered the dick from Sonic's, now, torn entrance. It made rough thrusts into the blue uke, filling him with semen with every thrust that was made. Tears poured down the hero's cheeks as he clenched his fists. He didn't even feel the pain of his nails digging into his skin.

"Not so tough now, are you?" Infinite grinned as he watched the blue hedgehog suffer which gave Metal Sonic a chance to attack. He flew to the jackal and scratched him with his sharp metal claws. Infinite's eyes widened when Metal hit him, breaking his mask. He covered his face as much as he could and backed away. He didn't want anyone to see his face. He created some spikes and threw them at Metal Sonic, totally missing him but he didn't care at the moment. He needed to get out of there. He turned around and flew off. The walls returned to their normal position and the dick vanished.

"Ngh... M-Metal..." Sonic fell to the floor, cum gushing out of his entrance. He struggled to get back on his feet. "You can't defeat him on our own. We need help. Bring me to the computer room."

POV: Sonic
Metal helped me walk to the computer room. Gladly there was no one around. He logged into Eggman's system with ease.

"We need to make a video and send it to the others." I was leaning over the controls, keeping myself up. "Can you do that?" I asked him. He nodded and pressed down on a few buttons and then I could see myself on the screen. "Is it rolling?" I asked and he nodded again. I cleared my throat and stood up straight. "Hey guys, if you get this you can see that I'm alive. Maybe not well but I'm alive-" I collapsed but Metal caught me before I hit the ground. "E-Eggman, he's planning something, something with the prototypes of the Phantom Ruby. You need to find those prototypes. I don't know how many he already has but it can't be all of them. I won't be able to save the world this time, it's all in your hands. It would be nice if you guys had some time left to rescue me but saving the world is your priority. That's all I have to say."

Metal ended the video and sent it to the headquarters of the Resistance. A loading screen popped up, showing us when the sending would be done.

"Agh!" I fell to the floor when Metal suddenly collapsed.

"That stupid good for nothing crap of metal." Eggman was here. I growled at him and tried to get up but was pushed back down by a foot that was placed on my back. I looked over my shoulder and saw Infinite, who was still covering his face with his hand. "No!" I reached out for the controls but it was too late. Eggman had canceled the sending.

"I thought you said he would obey you." I could tell that Eggman was angered with Infinite.

"Seems like I have to punish him some more." Infinite leaned over me. "And I want my new mask as soon as possible."

"Why don't you just create one?" Eggman asked him.

"I don't want a mask that will vanish if my powers don't work." Infinite answered and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. "Now if you excuse me, I have a hedgehog to punish."

"No! Let me go!" I punched and kicked which didn't do anything. I was doomed to be fucked by him.

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