chapter 16

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POV: 3rd person
"Wake up Baby Eye~" Infinite groaned and buried his face into his pillow, trying to ignore the voice. "You're going to miss our morning fun..." Infinite opened his eyes and was confused by the fact that Sonic was lying next to him, smiling. "Morning Infy." Sonic gave Infinite a peck on the lips, confusing the jackal more.

"Am I still asleep..?" Infinite asked himself as he sat up. He rubbed his eyes and looked back at Sonic. He was still smiling at him.

"I would say you're just a bit sleepy." Sonic giggled and pulled Infinite down on top of him. He nuzzled his cheek as he purred happily. Infinite noticed the glowing purple and black gem on the other's chest then realized what was going on. He had activated the prototype when he dreamed about the blue uke. He had changed the other's personality completely by doing so. Sonic was now his ideal mate. Grinning, Infinite leaned down and kissed the blue hero. Sonic kissed back as his tail wagged. "I had to wake you up or else we would have missed our appointment with the Doctor." Sonic said and brushed his fingers through the jackal's hair.

"Mmhh I see." Infinite got out of bed when the hedgehog let go of him. Sonic rolled over so he was lying on his stomach and looked at the other.

"You don't have to get out of bed yet. I woke you up for our morning fun." Sonic said. Infinite looked back at the uke who was looking at him with his beautiful eyes, longing for affection.

"You want more kisses, don't you?" Infinite chuckled and sat on the bed. Sonic smiled and crawled to the jackal then lay with his head on his lap.

"I need more~" Sonic purred as he grabbed the villain's hand and nuzzled it. Infinite placed his hand against the other's cheek and caressed it. "Give me kisses~"

"Oh don't worry, I will~" Infinite leaned down and softly kissed the blue hero. Wrapping his arms around the jackal's neck, Sonic pressed himself up against the dominant male. The villain licked his peach lips, asking for entrance beyond those lips. Sonic parted his lips and moaned softly as their make-out session began. Things were getting more heated until the grumbling of the hero's stomach was heard.

"Babe, I'm hungry." Sonic winced. Infinite chuckled and pulled away from his neck.

"I will make breakfast." He said and pecked the hedgehog's lips before getting up.

"I will be there in a bit." Sonic said and watched the other leave. Infinite knew he could just create food but that wasn't the same as eating real food. He wouldn't want his mate to starve. Not feeling like making anything too special, he roasted some bread and put strawberries on it then covered them with sugar.

"I'm the Ultimate Mercenary!"

Infinite looked over his shoulder and chuckled when he saw Sonic wearing his mask. The mask suited him in a way. He didn't think it would look good on the hero but he was proven wrong.

"How can you even see in this thing?" Sonic asked, moving the mask to see if there was a better angle to see through the red glass.

"I have another one. You can look through both eyeholes, unlike this one." Infinite said and took his mask off the uke. "Wait here." He said and went off to find his old mask. Sonic saw the plate with his breakfast on it. He grabbed the plate and took it to the dinner table. Sonic gulped down the toast in just a matter of seconds. His stomach carved for more. He wasn't fed often so he was really hungry. The hero tensed up when something was put on his head but smiled when he realized it was Infinite putting his other mask on him.

"And? How do I look?" Sonic asked, his smile unseen because of the mask.

"You look like a real evil villain." Infinite answered with a small grin.

"I like this one." Sonic said and fixed the mask so it sat better on his head. Unlike the other, the black piece was made out of glass instead of metal like the rest of the mask. The shape was a bit different which made it fit better on Sonic's head.

"You're really tempting me~"

"You can fuck me tonight babe. Not now." Sonic lifted the mask to give the jackal a peck on the cheek.

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