chapter 22

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POV: Sonic
I was beginning to recover from all the torture I had been through. They had let a doctor come over to treat my wounds since bringing me to the hospital was too much of a risk. The reason why some of my injuries weren't healing properly was because they needed stitches or special treatment.

"Ow!" I hissed in pain as too much pressure was put on my back.

"Sorry." Knuckles apologized and pulled his hand back for a quick second. "I told you to let Amy do this. She's more careful than me." He finished applying the cream on my injuries. "There you go."

"Thank you." I lay down on my stomach so the cream could dry up. Knuckles lay down on the mattress that had been placed next to my bed. There was always someone around me. I hadn't been alone since Shadow freed me. "Hey Knuckles, am I burden to you..?" I asked. It felt like I held everyone down. They all had to look after me and take care of me. And that while the world needed them.

"Of course not. Not me nor anyone else minds doing this for you." Knuckles said. I felt him pat my head. "Don't worry so much about it." He lay back down.

"Night." I said to him and closed my eyes.

"Night." He said back. It didn't take long before I heard snoring. I couldn't fall asleep. I hadn't slept since I got here. I was too afraid to sleep. Infinite could come back for me anytime soon.

Alarm! Alarm! Alarm! Alarm! Alarm! Alarm!

I shot up as I heard an alarm go off. Knuckles was already up and on high alert.

"What's going on?!" I asked. I was panicking, knowing something was wrong.

"Someone sounded the alarm. Shadow must have spotted someone." Knuckles replied. "I need to bring you to a safe location." He took me into his arms. The cream made my wounds sting and hurt. I couldn't use my right leg because of that since Infinite had carved in that one. Knuckles ran out of the room where we met up with Silver.

"Infinite is here." He said. My heart sank at hearing those words.

"We have to bring Sonic to a safe place. Infinite can't get him back and he's in no condition to fight." Knuckles said. Silver nodded and followed us. Sneaking wasn't an option, we ran straight to the bunker.

"Shit." The way was blocked by a group of robots. Silver used his telekinesis to lift them up and smashed them against the wall, destroying all of them.

"GIVE HIM BACK TO ME!" I heard Infinite's angered voice echo through the base. I whimpered and tightened my grip on Knuckles. They continued to run down the hall. That was until we got to a dead end.

"This isn't supposed to be a dead end." Knuckles mumbled. "Quickly, let's take another way." We turned around and began running back but they stopped dead in their tracks. Infinite was right in front of us.

"Give him to me." Infinite said and extended his arm. I looked at Knuckles, begging him not to give me to him. From the look of his eyes, I could tell he wasn't planning to do that either way. I was placed down. Both of them were standing in front of me. "There is no point in fighting me. You will lose." Infinite said.

"They are not alone." The rest of the team had sneaked up behind him. Then, a fight broke loose. I couldn't do anything. I just had to sit and watch how my friends got hurt by protecting me. Gadget didn't leave my side. He stood next to me, shooting at Infinite from afar. The fight lasted longer than it should have. It was one verses ten. But Infinite wasn't giving up easily. I didn't expect him to do. He would do anything to get me back, to get me to be his fuck toy again. Eventually Infinite fled, no longer having the energy to fight against all of them.

"He didn't do anything to you, right?" Tails asked, checking for any injuries on me just to be sure.

"I-I'm fine but what about all of you?" I asked. I had seen some of them get hurt, not that bad but they still got hurt.

"We're fine. Don't worry about us." Knuckles replied and placed a hand on my shoulder, giving me a small smile. I smiled back and thanked everyone for protecting me.

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