Chapter 9: He's Straight

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Amber POV:

I don't  know where TJ was going to stay but I was positive that he was going to keep his word and not come home that night. I was preparing for the party, applying mascara and then crying until it was streaked down my face, having to start over. I felt so terrible, maybe I should. When I was sure I was going to stop crying, I applied yet another layer of mascara to my lashes. Satisfied with the coverage, I moved onto my lipstick, having already done my foundation, eyeshadow and eyebrows. He must think I'm the worst sister ever, he's right, I am. Picking up a coral pink colour, I delicately spread it across my lips. Everything he said was completely true, we were close, really close. I rubbed my lips together and returned the lipstick to my makeup bag. He was my favourite person in the whole entire world. My baby brother, he would share everything with me and I would share everything with him. He used to be so happy.

'Crap!' I said through the tears that were about to spill out again, frantically waving my hands, I paced up and down the bathroom for a few moments before the tears were gone and my mascara had stayed intact.

Now...I don't even know what he feels. Anything but happy. People might say why don't you do something? Why don't you help him? Stick up for him? Be there for him? I just can't. It's selfish I know, I know what they do to him, though he's right, I just pretend not to see anything. They beat him as if he were worth nothing, treat him as if he weren't even human. He's their own son! He puts on a brave face but I know that's because he wants people to think he's tough. I remember a time when our parents would cuddle him and say how much they loved him. Was that all just empty words? Why did everything change after he told them he's gay? I knew beforehand and I'm completely fine with it. Sometimes, I hear him crying in his room and all I want to do is go in and hold him in my arms and tell him it's all going to be ok. That's what I used to do whenever mum and dad would fight, they always did, even then. But then I remember that I can't do that anymore, he'd never forgive me and I don't want to be dragged into this either. So I keep my distance. Recently, I think he's been getting better. I hear less crying, he seems less sad, he still snaps at me but that's understandable. I'm glad Cyrus is making him better, I really am. I knew they'd be good for each other, I just want TJ to be happy.

Cyrus POV:

Opening to the door of my home, I let TJ in, watching as he stepped in, curiously looking around as I closed the door behind us.

'Cyrus?' I heard my mom call from the other room.

TJ looked at me with such fear I was confused, he usually makes people fear him. I'm starting to learn a lot more about this not so scary basketball guy, 'it's ok' I whispered, 'she's fine.'

He nodded and straightened his posture, clearly trying to regain his strength, playing with his bag straps again, I noticed he does that when he's nervous. My mom came into view and for a few moments she looked between me and TJ in confusion.

'Hello.' She was staring directly at me as she walked hesitantly forward.

I turned to TJ, 'Could you go wait in my room? It's the first door on the right, don't worry, you'll be able to tell it's mine.' I beamed as he nodded and went up the stairs, skipping two steps at a time with his long legs. He was quite a lot taller than me.

'Mom,' I knew I would have trouble convincing her, she's very overprotective and usually likes to know the person before they stay over.

'Who is he?' She asked, leaning against the wall and eyeing me like I was being suspicious.

Rolling my eyes I replied, 'he's straight mom.'

She raised an eyebrow, 'Did he tell you that?'

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