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I am so happy how far this fan fiction has come 8.5k! That's amazing! Thankyou so much for reading my story as every read is important to me. Writing these stories and seeing people enjoying them gives me a purpose, If I enjoy writing it and make other people happy by doing it then I will continue to do so.

Unfortunately though, this story has come to an end now and I will be writing another. Believe it or not, this is actually the first writing of anything that isn't school work that I've actually finished! That's crazy! So I'm actually really upset about letting these characters and storylines go as I'm literally crying.

Although I relate more to Cyrus, I actually loved writing from TJ's point of view in this (as you could probably tell) and he's the one I'll miss the most. I hope this fan fiction has made you smile, cry, laugh and be mad (haha Jonah dickhead Beck)

I'm not sure if I'll do an epilogue (edit: I'm doing one because it was requested but I'm currently working on it and it might not be out for a while) but if you want one then I'll happily write one but if not, this is the end of Bitter-Sweet. Thank you so much for your love and support ❤️

-Ise110 :)

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