Chapter four edited

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(The person in the picture is not me)

~Three months time skip cause I'm lazy and that's when the belly starts showing~

   It was a Monday and Kirishima was at school talking to his friends before class started. Mina being how she is, she will ask Kirishima how Bakugo is doing because they don't really get to go over.
  "So how's Bakugo?" Mina asked him like she does every morning.
  "Oh thanks for reminding me Mina. Bakugo's belly is showing!" Kirishima told them with a huge smile.
    "THATS AWESOME!!" Mina, Kaminari, and Sero yelled jumping up with their fist in the air. The class looked at them with confusion.
   "What's awesome?" Deku asked them first.
   "Oh. Baku's belly is now starting to show. Isn't that great!?" Mina told him, jumping up and down.
   "That's awesome Kirishima," Deku told him.
   "I know right! I forgot until Mina asked how Bakugo was doing," Kirishima told him.
   "You should take a picture and show us tomorrow," Uraraka told him.
   "I tried this morning but he just hit me telling me I had to get to school," Kirishima told her.
   "That's why you should do it when you get home," Asui told him.
   "And when can you bring Bakugo over so we can visit a little. And I hate to say this but I sorta miss him," Uraraka told them.
    "Yeah. The class isn't that funny or exciting like it was when he was here. Plus I got used to him constantly yelling at everyone," Jiro confessed.
    "Yeah. We miss our leader," Mina said.
    "Ok Ok, I get it. You guys want to see Bakugo again. I can see if he wants to come by and see the class. Plus he's bored most the time," Kirishima told them.
   "That would be great, thanks," Mina said. Most of the class agreed. The teacher then walked in.
   "Everyone sit down," Aziawa told them. He then started his lesson and school went on like it usually did.

   After lunch everyone was getting ready for their 5th period. Their teacher walked in the class and everyone sat down. Since it was English class President Mic was teaching.
   About halfway through the class the inner com came on. "Mic, can Kirishima come to my office for a sec?" Nezu asked the teacher. Everyone looked at Kirishima.
   "Yes he can," Mic answered. "Kirishima go to the office," Mic told him.
   "Yes sir," kirishima answered and got up and walked out of the classroom. "I wonder why Nezu needs me," Kirishima thought.
   When he got to the principal's office he could hear talking in there. He knocked on the door. He heard a come in, he opened the door and walked in. He saw Bakugo and Mitsuki. Mitsuki got up and walked over to him.
   "What's going on?" Kirishima asked her.
   "Katsuki wouldn't stop crying about wanting you to come home and that he was sorry he yelled at you this morning. And I'm tired of dealing with him," Mitsuki told him. Kirishima looked at Bakugo. 
   "Um ok, what am i supposed to do?" Kirishima asked her.
   "I'm letting Bakugo stay with you in school so Mitsuki can have a break," Nezu told him.
   "Oh cool! So he's going to class with me?" Kirishima questioned.
   "Yep! But make sure not to put any kind of stress on him along with the other students," Nezu told him. Bakugo stood up and walked over to Kirishima.
   "I hope that's ok with you?" Bakugo asked him.  
   "That's fine with me! Plus the others want to see you!" Kirishima told him with a smile.
   "You guys are dismissed," Nezu told them. They walked out the office. Mitsuki left and Bakugo and Kirishima went to class. 
   When they got to the classroom Kirishima opened the door and walked in, Bakugo behind him. The class stopped and everyone looked at them.
   "Kacchan! What are you doing here?" Deku asked him worriedly.
   "No reason," he told him. Mina got out of her seat and hugged Bakugo.
    "I missed you!" She yelled. The rest of the squad was not far behind. Kirishima had to pile them off him.
   "Sorry, we forgot," they said rubbing that back of their necks sheepishly.
   "Bakugo, it's nice to see you again. What are you doing here?" Mic told him.
   "And I didn't miss you. Mom got tired of dealing with and wants Kirishima to take care of me for a bit or something," Bakugo told them, not telling the whole reason.
   "Good to hear. You can sit by Kirishima or you can sit in your seat," Mic told him. He nodded his head. He grabbed his chair and sat down by Kirishima. Plus he's mainly here because he wouldn't stop crying about wanting to be with Kirishima.
   The class went on like a normal class would but the girls weren't  paying attention because they wanted to see Bakugo's baby belly.
  The next class was PE so they went to the locker room to change. Bakugo went with Kirishima in the boys locker room. The boys changed into their gym clothes. Bakugo just watched Kirishima change.
   "Hey Kacchan," Deku said.
   "Hey nerd. What do you want?" Bakugo said back but there was no anger behind it.
    "Are you going out with us or staying inside? We don't want you or one of us to hurt the baby," he told him.
   "I'm going out. I'm always inside. I'll just watch you guys train or something," he told him. The other boys were in shock that he wasn't yelling at him and that they were having a normal conversation.
   "Bakugo, are you sure you're ok. Your not yelling at Midoriya ," Todoroki asked him.
   "I'm fine, I just don't have the energy to yell at him," Bakugo told him. "And when do you care if I'm ok or is it because I'm pregnant?" Bakugo asked him.
   "Just curious. You're just never nice to Midoriya," Todoroki told him.
   "Who said I'm being nice, I'm just having a regular conversation with him," Bakugo told him. "Without yelling."
   "Ugh, please don't fight," kirishima told him.
   "I'm not fighting dumbass," Bakugo told him.
  "Good to know your not fighting now let's go," Kirishima told him. Bakugo didn't say anything, just got up and followed Kirishima. When they were down the hallway some Bakugo tugged on Kirishima's shirt. Kirishima looked at him. "What?" He asked. Bakugo pointed to his lips. "Oh, you want a kiss," Kirishima said with a smile. Bakugo nodded. Kirishima lifted Bakugo's chin up and kissed him. Bakugo kissed back. "Now come on. I still have class," kirishima told him as he pulled away. Bakugo grabbed Kirishima's hand and they walked to their next class.
   When they got outside they saw some guys that left before then and the girls all talking to each other. The girls walked over to Bakugo and Kirishima.
   "Hey Bakugo, we want to see your belly," Uraraka said.
   "No you can't see my belly," Bakugo told them.
   "Please Bakugo," the girls begged.
   "Come on Babe. They're not going to stop begging if you don't," Kirishima told him. Bakugo sighed.
   "Fine. If you guys really want to," Bakugo told them. They nodded their heads. Bakugo lifted up his shirt so they could see his belly.
(It looked like the picture at the top)
    The girls squealed and Bakugo blushed a little. "Can we touch it?" Mina asked.
    "Um I guess," Bakugo told her. "But one at a time," he told them. They nodded their heads. Mina touched it first.
    "Your skin is acutely very soft," Mina said.
    "That's literally what I said when I found that out," Kirishima told her.
   "Why is this so fascinating anyways?" Bakugo asked as Mina let the next girl touch his stomach, which was Jiro.
   "Well I never got to touch a pregnant person's belly before," Mina said. Some of the girls nodded.
   "Well I never heard of a guy getting pregnant," Asui told him.
    "Good to hear. But it's not like the baby can move yet. You'll have to wait  about two more weeks," Bakugo told them.
    "Cool. Can we feel it when the baby does start to move," Momo asked him as she touched his belly.
   "I guess you guys could, Plus you guys won't shut up if I don't," Bakugo told her.
   "He has a point," Uraraka told them. All the girls got to touch his belly and by this time all the boys were out.
    "Everyone start your excises that we started last week," Aziawa told them. Everyone besides Bakugo got ready to do their exercises. Which is push ups, curl ups, squats, and toe touches. Bakugo watched in amusement as his boyfriend did the exercises like his life was on the line and how others struggled.
   Aziawa walked over to him. "Bakugo, how have you been," Aziawa asked him.
    "Fine I guess, just bored and hungry," Bakugo told him.
    "Well there are some exercises you can do that won't harm the baby. Like swimming and yoga," Aziawa told him.
   "My mom helps me out with yoga and my mom doesn't want me going to a public pool," Bakugo told him.
   "You can use the pool if you want. It'll give you something to do," Aziawa told him.
   "What about Kirishima?" He asked.
    "He can go with you to make sure nothing bad happens. Would that be ok with you," Aziawa told him questioningly. He nodded his head.
    "Kirishima come here!" Aziawa yelled in the redhead's direction. Kirishima ran over.
    "Am I doing something wrong?" He asked.
    "No. Just I would like you to go to the pool with Bakugo to make sure nothing bad happens," he told him.
    "Sure!" Kirishima smiled. "Come on Bakugo lets go!" Kirishima told him. Bakugo smiled and stood up and followed his redhead of a boyfriend.
   "Who knew he could smile," Aziawa said to himself.
   "Hey Aziawa! Why does Kirishima get out of exercising?!" Kaminari yelled at him.
    "He's going to the pool with Bakugo so he can exercise without hurting the baby and kirishima's there Incase something happens," Aziawa explained.
   "Not far!" Some of the students complained.
   "Get back to exercising!" Aziawa yelled at them. The students got back to exercising.

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