Chapter fifteen edited

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(The answers to your questions will be at the end of this chapter. Enjoy!)

Katsuki and Eijiro woke up to crying at five o'clock in the morning. Katsuki got up and picked his son up. He patted his back to help calm him. After awhile he stops crying.
Katsuki then puts him back in the bed but he starts crying again. Katsuki groans. "Babe, just let him sleep with us," Eijiro told him with a yawn. Katsuki picked his son up and brought him to the bed with them.
Eijiro laid on his back and took Kijiro from him and laid him on his chest. Katsuki got in the bed and laid on his side against Eijiro's arm. Eijiro kisses his forehead. Katsuki nuzzled his face in Eijiro's shoulder. Katsuki put a hand on Kijirou's scar that was on his shoulder and creased it with his thumb.
"You ok, babe?" Eijiro asked him. Katsuki looked up at him with soft eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just tried," Katsuki told him. He bit his bottom lip. "Hey Ei, do you ever think of the future?" He asked finally.
"Yeah, all the time, why?" He asked.
"What kind of future do you see?" Katsuki asked him looking at his sleeping son.
"I see a future full of happiness," Eijiro told him. "Me and you getting married and live in our own house with our son." Katsuki smiled a little.
"If we're both pro hero's who's going to look after Kijiro?" Katsuki asked him.
"Your parents or my dad," he answered. "But what ever happens in the future I'll always be right beside you." Eijiro said with a tried smile. "But it's too early for that so let's go back to sleep." Katsuki laughed some.
"Yeah," Katsuki said before they both fell back to sleep.

Eijiro woke up about two hours later, Kijiro still on his chest. He looked at his son to see him waking up to. He gave him a smile and he smiled back with a giggle. Eijiro stood up as he held his son. Katsuki was still asleep but it was the weekend so he didn't bother waking him up.
Eijiro goes down stairs with Kijiro in his arms. He sees some of his friends were already up. He went up to them. When he got closer he saw Eri. "Hey guys," he said. They looked back at him.
"Hey Kirishima, Aizawa brought Eri over to visit since it's the weekend," Deku told him.
"Hey Eri," Eijiro said with a smile. Eri smile back then saw the baby.
"Who's baby?" She asked.
"Oh, I forgot. You haven't met him yet. This is mine and Katsuki son, Kijiro," Eijiro told him as he crouched down in front of her so she could see the baby. She smiled brightly.
"He's so cute," she told him. "Can I hold him?"
"Sure, just try not to drop him," Eijiro told her as he handed her his son. She held out her arms and held Kijiro. He was almost nine months old.
   "How old is he?" She asked.
   "I believe he's almost nine months old now," Eijiro told her.
    "Wow he's so young," she said.
    "Yeah, and because of his young age we have to watch were we walk when he's walking around," Deku told her.
    "He can walk," she said. They nodded there heads. She put Kijiro down on his feet and he walk to Aizawa who just walked back inside the dorms. Aizawa looks down at him then looks to see Eijiro close by.
    "Hey kid. Go back to your dad," he told him as he walked over to the group of teens. Kijiro followed him. "doesn't Bakugo usually take care of Kijiro?" Eijiro looked at him.
   "He's still asleep," he told him.  Aizawa hummed. Kijiro walked over to Eijiro and tugged on his pants.
    "Dada," Kijiro said trying to get his dad's attention. Eijiro picks him up.
    "Well, I better go get him fed," Eijiro told them, before walking into the kitchen. He sat him down on the counter before He got out out the baby formal and started to make it. He let it sit for a bit while he got out some baby cereal. He gave Kijiro the formal and let him drink it before letting him eat his cereal. He pored a little into a small bowl.
   While Kijiro ate he made him a bowl of cereal since he can't really cook. As he ate he heard a yawn. He looked over to see Katsuki walking into the kitchen with a sleep expression. "Mornin'," Eijiro told him with a smile. Katsuki gave him a small smile as he walked over to him and rested his head on his shoulder.
   "Morning," Katsuki muttered tiredly.
   "If your still tried you could of stayed in bed," Eijiro told him.
   "I know but I had to make sure your feeding Kijiro right," Katsuki told him.
   "I know how to make formula and I know what he can eat and how much. Don't worry to much," he told him as he stuffed a spoon full of cereal in his mouth.
  Katsuki looked at Kijiro and petted his head. Kijiro looked up from his food. He did grabby hands at him. Katsuki smile and picked him.
   "Hey baby, what's up?" He asked his son. Kijiro put his hands on his chests and wiggles there noses together as he let out a giggle.
   "Ma," Kijiro said. Katsuki blinked before he relished Kijiro is calling him mama. Eijiro chuckled a little but smiled at his cute son. Katsuki thought it was cute. Yeah he was a guy but it was so cute that he saw him as his mother. So he played along with it.
   "Yeah, I'm mama," Katsuki told him playfully. Kijiro giggled more as he tried to pronounce mama. They tried to help him pronounce it, well mainly Eijiro.
   "Ma, mama," Kijiro said. When he realized he pronouns it right he let out a loud giggle catching the others attention from the common area.
    They walk into the kitchen to see Katsuki and Eijiro laughing as Kijiro is screaming Mama happily. They look at the couple with a confused face.
   "What's going on?" Mina asked them.
   The two look at them. Eijiro spoke. "Kijiro is now able to pronounce mama and he's really excited about it," Eijiro explained to them. Some of them chuckled. The girls aww'ed.
    After that little fiasco everyone went back to there business. Mina walked up to them. "Hey guys, do want to go to the mall and hang out with the squad?" She asked them.
   "Sure. Kijiro's never been to the mall anyways," Eijiro told her. She smiled.
    "Sweet. I'll get the others and meet you guys down here in ten," she told them before running off to tell the others.
   They finished eating then went upstairs to get ready. They dressed Kijiro in a black top that said "born a winner" and green shorts and shoes. It was a gift from Deku.
    Katsuki got dressed in a black shirt and black shorts with red strips on the side and black Nikes. Eijiro got dressed in a red shirt and black multi pocket shorts with his red shoes.
   Katsuki grabbed Kijiro's backpack and filled it up with what they needed before putting it on his back. Eijiro put on the baby carrier and put Kijiro in it so he was facing forwards. They grabbed there wallets and phones then headed down stairs to meet the others.
   When they got down there they saw them waiting fo them. "Ok, let's go," Mina said excitedly. They all nodded and headed out the dorms. When they got out the gate they headed to the train station.

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