Chapter eighteen edited

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Eijiro is doing an internship with Fat Gum. Tetsutetsu was intern-shipping with him. Katsuki was internshipping with Endeavor, along with Deku and Todoroki.
    Eijiro was on patrol night shift with Tetsutetsu and Fat Gum. As they were walking around they heard screaming. They ran towards it. It was a young lady and a older gentleman. He was trying to steel her purse. Eijiro ran up to the man and went to grab him but he touched him first and he blacked out.
    When he woke up he was in the infirmary at Fat Gums agency. "Kirishima are you ok?" Tetsutetsu asked him worriedly. Eijiro gave him a confused look.
    "Who are you and where am I?" Eijiro asked him, freaking out some. Tetsutetsu looked at Fat Gum worriedly.
    "I'm Tetsutetsu, your best friend and that's Fat Gum, he's like your older brother," He told him. Eijiro has turned into his middle schooler self at the age of fifteen. His red hair is now black and he's shorter. He wasn't very muscular either.
   "Um, Kirishima, how old are you?" Fat Gum asked him.
    "I'm fifteen, third year in middle school," Kirishima told him. He looked down at himself. He was still in his hero outfit but it was big on him. "What am I wearing? It looks like the hero outfit I came up with?"
   "Because it is your hero outfit. You had got into a quirk accident turning you three years younger and you seem to have no memory of those years," Fat Gum told him.
    "What do we do?" Tetsutetsu asked the pro hero.
    "Well the quirk last for a few days so he'll have to go to the dorms early. I'll call the school and tell them," Fat gum said. He nodded. Fat Gum walked out the room and called the school.
    Eijiro just looked at Tetsutetsu who was looking at him. "So what school do we go to?" Eijiro asked.
    "UA. Your in class A I'm in class B," he told the younger Eijiro.
   "Wait?! I actually get in?! And in a hero course?!" Eijiro questioned him. Tetsutetsu just nodded his head, with a confused face. "That's so cool!" He said with a toothy smile.
   Tetsutetsu compared the younger Eijiro with the older Eijiro. They were similar. He thoughts then went to Katsuki and Kijiro. Eijiro has a son and a boyfriend and their son his coming over this weekend to visit. And then there's his dad who likes to keep in contact with him asking how everything going. Young Eijiro only remembers his bad dad and the bad things he did to him. He has to tell Katsuki about what happened.
   He got out his phone and texted him, telling him what happened. His phone went off not long after. He picked it up and answered. He didn't have it all the way at his ear since he knew he was going to yell.
   "THAT FUCKING DUMBASS! HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?!" Katsuki yelled into the phone. Eijiro could even hear it. Tetsutetsu put the phone to his ear.
    "We were on patrol and he got hit by a quirk. I told you that in the text," he told him.
   "Fuck off. Have you guys got in contact with the school?" Katsuki asked him.
"Yeah, Fat's talking to them right now. Since no ones at the dorms are you going to go back to the dorms as well and explain things to him?" He asked the explosive blond.
"We'll have to see what the school says," Katsuki told him. Fat Gum then walked in. Tetsu put the phone on speaker.
"Bakugo's on the phone on speaker so he can hear," Tetsu told the older man. He nodded.
"Ok, the school is sending a car over to come pick you up. Bakugo, they want you to come back to the school to explain things," Fat told them. "Kirishima, when you get to the dorms you'll meet with the principal and then you'll be left with Bakugo."
"Um, ok, but who his he? Bakugo that is," Eijiro questioned.
"You'll find out when you get here. I'll explain everything to you so don't worry," Katsuki told him.
"Ok," Eijiro said.
"I got to go talk with flame brains, bye," Katsuki said before hanging up.
"Doesn't endeavor get mad at him for calling him that?" Fat asked. Tetsu shrugged. "Well, I'll get you some clothes that fit. Along with your other things," fat told the black haired Eijiro. He nodded. Fat left.

Time skip

Eijiro was talking to the principal. He was telling him somethings about to school and about what he'll be doing for the next seven days.
He would attend all of his class as accordingly next week since, if it last that long, he'll remember everything that happened when he turns back. He'll be under the super vision of Katsuki.
When they were done talking Eijiro headed to the third years class A dorms. Well he got lost but he eventually found it. When he got there he was meant with a ash blond, Katsuki Bakugo.
"Are you Bakugo?" Eijiro asked him as he walked over to the blond on the couch.
"Your finally here. Sit," Katsuki told him. Eijiro sat down beside him. "Before I show you to your dorm I need to tell you some things," he told him.
"Um ok. What are they?" Eijiro asked him curiously.
"Me and you are dating and we share a dorm together and sleep together," Katsuki started bluntly. He didn't want to go around it. Eijiro blushed as he looked at the older male.
"What about my dad?" Eijiro asked him worriedly.
"Oh, he cleaned up his act once we moved into the dorms and he supports us. He also likes to check up on you every so often," Katsuki told him. Eijiro's eyes widened.
He couldn't believe what he was hearing. His dad has changed? Why? Why does he share a dorm with his boyfriend? Don't they have there own dorms?
"This also may come to a shocker. We have a son," Katsuki told him. Eijiro's jaw dropped. His eyes popped out of his head.
"What!? Why?! When?! How?!" Eijiro asked him in shock and confusion.
"If you shut up I can tell you dumbass," Katsuki told him. He just shut up and nodded. "I got hit by a quirk in are first year. It caused my insides to turn into a female cats. We did it and I ended up getting pregnant. Don't ask how that works cause I don't know either. I gave birth to him in our second year. He used to stay with us at dorms for a while but know he comes over when ever we're free. Since were free this weekend he'll be coming over but I'm about to call my mom and tell her he can't come."
"No, he can still come," Eijiro told him. Katsuki raised an eyebrow.
"You know your his dad right. If he comes here he won't recognize you and he'll started crying cause he doesn't know where his daddy is," Katsuki told him.
"But your still his mother. He'll still want to be with his mother," Eijiro told him. "I don't want to take that away from you." Katsuki looked at him. He put his hands on his shoulders.
"It's fine, we can wait another two weeks to see him," Katsuki told him.
"But he can't. He probably really wants to see his parents," Eijiro told him. "Just let him come over. It'll be nice to meet my future son." Katsuki just sighed.
"Fine," he told him. "Now let's head to our dorm." Eijiro just nodded. Katsuki stood up along with Eijiro and they went to the elevator. They go up to the fourth floor and Katsuki shows him to their room. Eijiro walks in behind Katsuki. He looks around the room. Katsuki sits down on the bed.
Eijiro saw baby things around room so he could tell Katsuki wasn't lying. He then saw some pictures on the wall. It was Katsuki with a little boy and a redhead. It was the day Kijiro was born.
"Is that me?" He asked the blond. He got up and walked over to him and looked at the photo. He smiled softly.
"Yeah, that was day Kijiro was born. You couldn't handle it so you had to wait outside with my dad but once you saw him you broke down in happy tears. All Might helped you calm down," Katsuki told him. Eijiro looked at the picture in aw. He had a beautiful son who looked like him.
He then saw another one. It was older him and his dad holding Kijiro. "What about this one?" He asked pointing to it.
"Your dad wanted to hang out and get to know me and his grandson better and create happy moments with you. You had so much fun and you smiled the inter time we were there," Katsuki told him.
"When did dad apologize to me?" Eijiro asked him.
"Sometime in our second year. He had texted you asking if you guys could met up. I'm not sure what was said since I didn't go," Katsuki told him. He looked at the pictures. He then saw some other pictures and it looked like they were with friends from when Katsuki was still pregnant.
One looked like they were at a museum and another looked like a festival. All of them were smiling in the pictures and had there arms around each other. One was a selfie and the other he could tell they asked someone to take it for them. He saw another. It was Kijiro and him. He was in the common area asleep on the couch and Kijiro was asleep on his chest.
"When was this one taken?" He asked him pointing at the picture.
"That was last time Kijiro came over so it's fairly recent. You were sleepy that day from a long day of training the day before but you really wanted to hang out with him but you ended up falling asleep while he was on you but he fell asleep not long after. Mina had taken the picture and you got it from her," Katsuki told him.
"Mina got in too, good for her," Eijiro said. He knows her from middle school but they weren't friends. "So me and her are friends?"
"Yeah. You and the other idiots call our group of friends the Bakusquad," Katsuki told him. He hummed. He looked at the other picture. He then saw pictures from there first year. Katsuki wasn't smiling or even happy in any of them. He looked like a grump.
"So first year you was a grump," Eijiro said. Katsuki looked at the pictures.
"No, at the time I didn't consider you or any of them as friends. You guys just dragged me along and annoyed me," Katsuki told him.
"Then when did we start going out?" Eijiro asked him.
"I guess sometime before I got kidnapped in our first year. You were the only one I saw as equal at the time. The others became more of my friends around that time to but I never saw them as equals. Now there some of mine and your best friends," Katsuki told him. Eijiro smiled but quickly frowned.
"But my quirk isn't really cool, why go out with me?" He asked him.
"Ei, your quirk that you shame so much is fucking amazing. You saved many lives with it. It may not be all that flashy but it's super damn strong. Your the sturdy hero, Red Riot who will risk his life for others," Katsuki told him, putting his hands on his shoulders. A soft smile on his face. Eijiro's eyes widened at what he said.
He was a amazing hero in the future and someone who is just as strong or stronger thinks he has an amazing quirk. His eyes started to water. Katsuki pulled him into a hug a patted his head. Eijiro hugged him back, his face in his chest.
After a while he stopped crying and they pulled away. Eijiro looked around some more while Katsuki sat on the bed on his phone. He was texting the squad and telling them what happened.
He then stumbled upon some baby clothes. They were in a bag in the opened closet. It looked through them. There were about five outfits in the bag and they had other baby needs in it.
There were other baby things in the closet, like a folded up stroller against the wall and baby dippers and food. He didn't see a baby bed though.
"Hey Bakugo, where does Kijiro sleep when he's over?" Eijiro asked.
"He doesn't really sleep over and if he does he sleeps with us or else he'll be crying all night," Katsuki told him. Sure Kijiro is used not being around his parents and them not coming to him when he cry's but when gets to come over after two weeks he wants to be with them for as long as possible before he goes.
"Oh," Eijiro said. "Where am I sleeping?" He asked.
"You can sleep on the bed with me or you can sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag," Katsuki told him.
"Can't I sleep in another room?" Kirishima asked.
"Sure, there's a room beside this one you can sleep in, but there's no bedding," Katsuki told him.
"Do you have extra bedding?" He asked. Katsuki nodded. He got up and walked over to the closet and got down a blanket and a sheet and gave it to him. "Oh, thinks," Eijiro told him.
"Yeah whatever. Let's go make your bed," Katsuki told him as he grabbed a pillow off the bed and walked out the door. Eijiro followed. They went into another room that was beside his.
Nothing was in the room besides a desk and a naked bed. Katsuki helps him make the bed for him. When they were done Eijiro sat down on the bed and looked a Katsuki who had a sad look in his eyes.
"You ok?" He asked him.
"I'm fine, just be weird to sleep alone," Katsuki told him as he sat down in the desk chair. Eijiro gave him a sad look.
     "When is everyone else going to be here?" He asked him, changing the subject.
    "Friday or Saturday, depending on where they are," Katsuki told him. Eijiro hummed. Katsuki still had to call his mom and tell her what happened. He took out his phone and called his mother.
    "What's up Katsuki?" She asked him.
    "Eijiro got in a quirk accident, turning him into his middle school self and he doesn't have his memory of older him," Katsuki told her.
     "Oh my, that's bad. Should I not bring Kijiro then?" She asked him.
    "No, you can bring him. Let me talk to him," Katsuki told her.
     "Ok," she said. She called Kijiro over to her and gave him the phone saying mommy wanted to speak to him.
    "Yes mommy?" Kijiro asked him.
     "Hey baby, daddy got in a quirk accident," Katsuki told his son.
    "Is daddy ok?" Kijiro asked.
     "He just turned younger but he's fine, but your still coming over so don't treat him like a stranger ok," Katsuki told him.
    "Ok! As long as daddy's ok," Kijiro told him. Eijiro looked at him. Katsuki caught his stare. "Can I talk to daddy?" Kijiro asked him.
    "Do you want to talk to him?" Katsuki asked Eijiro. He nodded. Katsuki handed him the phone. He put it to his ear.
   "Hey bud," Eijiro said nervously.
   "Hey daddy!" Kijiro said happily. Eijiro eyes got watery. Katsuki looked at him.
    "You happy to come over this weekend?" He asked.
     "Yeah! I want to see mommy and daddy," Kijiro told him. Eijiro had put his hand slightly over his mouth. He was trying so hard not to cry. Katsuki got up and sat down beside him. He put a hand on his back. "Daddy, are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine bud. I can't wait to see you too," Eijiro told him. Katsuki took the phone from him.
"Well mommy and daddy have to go now ok," Katsuki told him.
"Ok, bye bye," Kijiro said. Katsuki said bye then hung up.
"You going to be ok?" Katsuki asked Eijiro. Eijiro whipped his eyes.
"Yeah, I'm ok," Eijiro told him. "Just really happy."
"That's good. He's coming over Saturday, just letting you know he does likes hanging out with basically everyone here and everyone keeps a eye on him since he likes to hurt himself," Katsuki told him.
"What do you mean?" Eijiro asked him.
"He'll fall down or hit his head. Normal things baby's do to get themselves hurt," Katsuki told him. Eijiro hummed.
"Has he got hurt yet?" Eijiro asked.
"Yeah. He shattered a glass cup on his face and then he hit his head on the table in the common area," Katsuki told him. "He's done other things with my parents."
Katsuki texted everyone in a group chat telling them what happened to Eijiro. Todoroki and Deku already know about it since they found out when Katsuki did.
"Well, I'm going to go cook something to eat Since it's getting late," Katsuki told him. He nodded.
Katsuki got up and walked out. He went down stairs and started dinner. He heard the front door open. He looked over and saw his mother with Kijiro. He raised an eyebrow.
"Mom, what are you doing hear with Kijiro? It's Thursday," Katsuki asked her as he walked up to them stoping what he was doing.
"Hey Katsuki, since you staying here for the rest of the week I thought you could spend it with Kijiro. Plus I have things to do and I don't want to worry about him running off like the other times," Mitsuki told him. Kijiro ran up to him and hugged his leg.
"Mommy!" Kijiro said. Katsuki bent down and picked him up.
"Hey baby, it's nice to see you too," Katsuki told him.
"I hope you don't mind," Mitsuki told him.
"Oh, it's fine. I have nothing better to do. How long is he going to be here for?" He asked.
"I'll pick him up Sunday," she told him and handed him Kijiro's bag. He moved Kijiro to his hip and grabbed the bag.
"Ok, that's fine with me," Katsuki told her. She smiled.
"Where's Eijiro?" She asked.
"Upstairs," he told her. The elevator then opened.
"Um Bakugo, I was wou-" he stopped talking when he saw him holding a little boy.
"Oh, Hey Eijiro, I'm Katsuki's mother, Mitsuki," Mitsuki told him.
"Hi?" He said as he walked up to them. He looked at Kijiro who looked at him.
"Mommy, who he?" Kijiro asked Katsuki.
"That's your daddy. It's the effect of the quirk he was hit with," Katsuki told him.
"Daddy!" Kijiro said, doing grabby hands at him. Eijiro looked at Katsuki seeing if it was ok.
"You don't have to ask to hold him," Katsuki told him. He nodded and grabbed Kijiro under the arms pulling him to him to hold him.
"He looks so much more like you with your black hair," Mitsuki told him. Katsuki nodded. Kijiro grabbed Eijiro's hair and pulled it.
"Ow, don't pull my hair," Eijiro told him, moving one of his arms to grab Kijiro's hand out of his hair. Kijiro looked like he was about to cry. "Please don't cry," Eijiro told him. Katsuki laughed. He sat the bag down by the couch before grabbed Kijiro and held him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make him cry," Eijiro told him.
"It's fine, usually it doesn't bother you if he pulls your hair cause of your thick scull," Katsuki told him.
"Oh," Eijiro said.
"Well, I'm going to get going and leave you two to it, bye," Mitsuki told them.
"Bye," Katsuki said. Eijiro just waved. Katsuki calmed down Kijiro. "You look after him while I cook," Katsuki told him.
"But Um, I'm not really good with kids," Eijiro told him.
"And? Just keep him busy," Katsuki told him before putting down Kijiro. Katsuki went back to cooking. Eijiro looked down at the little black head.
"So, what you want to do?" He asked him. Kijiro giggled before he started to run. "Hey, get back here," Eijiro told him. Kijiro just giggled and kept running away as Eijiro chased him.
After a while he caught Kijiro and sat down on the couch, Kijiro in his lap. He grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. He turned on a kid show.
When Katsuki was done with food he made a plate for him and Eijiro. He walked over to them and sat the dish in front of them on table. Eijiro looks at the food.
"That's looks delicious," Eijiro told him. It was katsuki homemade curry. He didn't put a lot of spice in it since he know Eijiro can't handle it and it upsets his and Kijiro's stomach when he shares with him.
"Of course it does. I made it," Katsuki told him. "Now eat up." Eijiro sat Kijiro on the couch beside him between him and Katsuki. He grabbed his plate and sat it in his lap and started to eat.
Kijiro looked at his mother's plate then at his mother. Katsuki got a small spoon of curry and feed it to him. Eijiro looked at him. "Babies can eat curry?" He asked.
"Yeah, Kijiro loves my homemade curry, but I share my food with him so you don't have to since have a endless pit for a stomach," Katsuki told him. Eijiro blushes some from embarrassment. "I don't mind it though. There's no left overs to put up."
"Well that's a good thing then," Eijiro told him.
"Yeah, but if I made the curry how I like it you and Kijiro couldn't eat it. It would be to spicy," Katsuki told him.
"Yeah, I don't do spicy foods," Eijiro said.
"Yeah, I know. Your on the toilet for thirty minutes taking a dump," Katsuki told him. Eijiro blushed some. "And Kijiro is still young so his stomach can't handle it yet."
"So I'm guessing you know my favorite food?" Eijiro asked.
"Yep. You love steak but you just like meat in general. It took forever to actually get you to eat vegetables," Katsuki told him.
"Yeah, I don't really care for vegetables," Eijiro said as he stuffed a spoon of curry in his mouth. Katsuki ate his food too.
When they were done eating Katsuki put up the dishes. He then sat back down on the couch. Kijiro got on his lap and started to play with his hands. They just watched tv. Kijirou then started to bit on Katsuki's finger.
"kijiro, no bitting," Katsuki told his son, who didn't listen and kept biting his finger. "You know what, Eijiro, get the baby bag," Katsuki told the blackhead beside him. Eijiro got up and got the bag and handed it to him. Katsuki opened it and got out Kijiro's teethed and handed it to his son. He stop chewing on his finger and chewed on the teether.
"Is your finger ok?" Eijiro asked him, looking at his finger that was bitten.
"I'll be fine, the pain will go away after a while," Katsuki told him. Eijiro looked at the kids teeth. They were sharp like his.
"You sure?" Eijiro asked. Katsuki looked at him.
"I'm fine. He bites me all the time," Katsuki told him. "He's teething, and chewing on things helps soothe the pain."
"Does he bite me?" Eijiro asked him.
"No, last time he did that you hardened your finger hurting his gums," Katsuki told him.
"Oh," Eijiro said sadly. Katsuki saw the sad look on his face.
"There's no reason to be sad about it," Katsuki told him.
"I know, but I hurt him," Eijiro told him.
"For real? It happened once and that was a while ago. Don't be so upset about it," Katsuki told him. "And you didn't really hurt him. You startled him and trust me, you've done more dangerous things when it came to having fun."
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Sliding down the stairs on a snowboard," Katsuki told him.
"That sounds fun," Eijiro said.
"You had Kijiro with you as you went down five floors of stairs," Katsuki told him.
"Dude, that sounds fun. And I bet they both had fun," Eijiro told him.
"Your to dumb to reason with," Katsuki told him with a blank face. Eijiro punctured his lips together.
Katsuki's thoughts went back to the weekend that happened. Eijiro came up with the idea and almost everyone agreed to it. They got a bunch of cardboard and put in on the stairs. They got three snow broads and went down, two people on the snow board. Everyone had fun even though some of them got hurt cause someone didn't get out the way in time. Him and Iida were really the only ones against the idea.
When it got late the two headed to bed. Eijiro went to the room he was trying in and Katsuki slept in his and Eijiro's room with Kijiro. Kijiro kept crying saying he wanted daddy to sleep with him too but Katsuki told him he couldn't.
Eijiro who was in the other room felt bad that he couldn't sleep with them but it just felt weird to him. You really couldn't blame him though. He didn't know who they are and to him he just met them but it feels like he does at the same time. When Katsuki asked him to get the bag he didn't even think twice and got it like he know why he needed it. He guessed it was the older him.

Friday some of there classmates had came back to the dorms. Of course Kijiro hugged them when they came in since they were in the common area.
When they saw Eijiro they didn't really recognize because of the black hair, which somewhat threw them off. They knew he had black hair but actually seeing it throw them off, well besides Mina since she's seen him with black hair in middle school.
Saturday everyone was back at the dorms. They were all talking with Eijiro and about things that happened while they were at the agencies.
Deku walked up to Katsuki. "Hey Kacchan, how are you doing?" Deku asked him.
"I'm fine nerd, why wouldn't I be?" Katsuki told him. Deku looked at Eijiro then back at him. Katsuki tsked and crossed his arms. "This is nothing. He could be changing back anytime now."
"Yeah i now that, but I can tell your lonely," Deku told him.
"I'm not lonely dipshit, don't talk as if you know what I'm thinking," Katsuki told him.
"Kacchan, I know you feel lonely without him by your side, lots of us do," Deku told him. Katsuki clicked his tongue.
He knew Deku was right. He was lonely. Yeah, Eijiro's right there but that's not his Eijiro and he feels lonely without his Eijiro. He usually shares a bed with someone but for a week he hasn't. Usually when he or Eijiro gets back from internships they usually have them time.
Ever since Eijiro popped up in his life even as friends, he was always beside him. He's gotten used to that. Know that Eijiro turned younger he doesn't remember him and he feels empty. Sure if he turned young and still remembered him it wouldn't be that bad but he lost the memories they had with each other and it's like there strangers.
Yeah Katsuki feels stupid and selfish for feeling this way but he can't help it. Eijiro is apart of his life that he doesn't want to go, same goes with his son, Kijiro. He just hopped Eijiro changed back soon.

That night Katsuki woke up to someone sitting on the bed. He opened his eyes and saw Eijiro. His Eijiro. He smiled sleepily. "Welcome back," Katsuki told him. Eijiro smiled at him and lend down and kissed him.
"Daddy?" Kijiro questioned sleepily as he opened his eyes.
"Hey bud, daddy's home," Eijiro told him. Kijiro did grabby hands at him. Eijiro smiled and picked him up. He laid down, getting under the blanket. Kijiro laid on his chest hugging him. Katsuki moves towards them and puts his arms over them and cuddled up to Eijiro's side.
"I missed you," Kijiro told him. Eijiro smiled softly at him.
"I missed you to Kijiro," he told his sleepy son he looked at his boyfriend. "I missed you too Katsuki," he told him. Katsuki smiled sleepily at him as moved some and kissed him.
"Missed you too," Katsuki told him. He was still barely awake so he sounded drowsy. Eijiro didn't blame him. It was two in the morning. He heard the two snoring softly. He smiled softly as he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep himself.
He remembered everything that happened while he was his younger self. He also remembered how he let Katsuki sleep alone. He hated himself for that but he understood why that happened. Katsuki was a stranger to him so sleeping with him would have felt weird. He was just happy to be his normal self again.
The next morning everyone welcomed him back and he spent time with his son and Katsuki. He wanted to make up time from when he was his younger self. Mitsuki came and picked Kijiro up after dinner since she wanted Eijiro to spend time with his son. Katsuki had called her telling him he was back to normal earlier that morning. In the end everyone was happy.

Sorry it's been a while since I updated. I was busy and a bit writers blocked. I hope you guys liked the chapter.

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