Chapter twenty

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Eijiro's p.o.v.
We our graduating soon. I'm super happy but super nervous. When we graduate we have to pick some where to work at. Of course I chose Fat gum's agency in Esuha city which is farther away. Katsuki said he would go with Best Jeanist. Since we work in different cities we won't be able to live with each other for a while and Kijiro will have to stay with Mitsuki and Marasu awhile longer. Will be living with Katsuki's parents tell one of us finds a place. Fat's been helping me out find a place in Esuha city and Kat's parents are helping him. We've already moved out of the dorms since Aizawa wanted us out before graduation.
I sat in class with Kijiro in my lap on the floor. Since we weren't doing anything in school the last two days of school we could bring him. Katsuki sat beside me leaning his head on my shoulder. Denki, Sero, and Mina we're sitting on the floor with us talking about the future. Like how hero work is going to be and things like that.
"So, when are you guys getting married?" Mina asked me and Kat's. I blushed and Kat just shrugged. The thing was. I was planning on proposing sometime after graduation. I wanted to ask before one of us move out. Plus I already have promission from his parents since I got him pregnant.
    "Oh come on, you've been together basically three years already, you guys have to get married at some point," kaminari told us.
   "One of us still has to propose," Katsuki told them.
   "Well are you going to propose to him?" Sero asked him.
   "I'm sort of hoping he'll ask first but if he's to big of a pussy I guess I can ask first," Katsuki told them. I gulped. Well know I have to propose at some point. He wants me to ask since he knows I like to be manly and all but I don't mind if he ask first.
   "Kirishima, are you going to be proposing anytime soon?" Kaminari asked me.
   "Well yeah but I'm not saying when since I'm not sure myself," I told him, which wasn't all a lie.
I have no idea when I should propose. I'm not sure how I'll do it either. Katsuki isn't the one for fancy dinner dates or walks in the parks. Plus after we graduate will be busy with hero work. I already have an agency to work at and so does Kat so will be getting work sometime next week.
"Well if you need any help plain I would love to help," Mina told me. I just thanked her with a nod.
"Daddy what are you guys talking about?" Kijiro asked me.
"Oh, there just talking about me and daddy getting married and becoming a real family," Katsuki told him. Kijiro smiled and cheered.
"Yeah but are you guys going to throw a wedding ceremony or not?" Sero asked us.
"I don't know. It's to easily to tell," Katsuki said.
"Have you guys ever had a dream wedding? Like the type of wedding you'd want?" Mina asked us.
"Nope," Katsuki told them. Being honest I wouldn't think would have one. He only started caring about this whole love thing tell we meet. "Eijiro, what about you?" He asked me.
"Um, no, not really. I was always busy with something else to even think about it," I said. Which wasn't a lie. I had to deal with my dad and bullies so I never thought about it. Mina then goes on about her dream wedding. I just sat there and listen while Katsuki played with Kijiro.
"What are you guys planning after graduating?" Sero asked out of the blue.
"Oh, yeah. It took a while for us to come up with something put we did. We're going to live separately for a while since we work in different cities," I told him.
"And Kijiro is staying with my parents tell we get a house or an apartment to share and he's old enough to take care of himself," Katsuki told them. They gave us sad looks.
"You guys sure your ok with that. It be at least eight years tell he can actually take care of himself," Mina said.
"And you don't know how long tell you guys can live together," Kaminari said.
"We know that already. Neither of us well have to time to take care of him if we're both hero's. The only way is for us to take care him ourselves if one of us becomes a stay at home dad," I told them.
"Do you guys know how hard it's going to be on Kijiro?" Mina asked us. I looked down at my lap. We already know. We basically told him already that he's staying with is grandparents for a while and he cried all night. It hurts us to do this too.
"Shut up Pinky. It's hard on both sides," Katsuki told her rudely. We could hear the anger in his voice.
"I-Im not sa-" Katsuki cut her off.
"I don't care. Sure I might be cold hearted most of the fucking time but that doesn't mean I don't love my own son. I want to live with my future husband and my kid but because of how things are that's not fucking happening. You know what's even worse. Me and Eijiro want be able to see any of his first. Like learning how to ride a bike or learning how to write his name. You know why we can't, because we're fucking hero's! So get off are fucking backs about how hard it's for Kijiro's cause it'll be just as hard for us!" Kat yelled at her angrily. I looked at him sadly. He then stands up with Kijiro and walks out the classroom, slamming the door behind him. I sigh sadly.
"I'm sorry guys. He's been stressed since the topic came up," I told them.
"Dude, that was stress? He just snapped at us for literately no reason at all," Sero told him.
"He's stressed. You guys won't understand tell you guys have a kid of your own so don't act like you do," I told them as I stood up and walked out the classroom to find Katsuki.
I didn't want to be mean to them but sometimes they can be really dense.

Katsuki's POV
I walked down the hall with Kijiro in my arms. He was playing with my hair. "You know mommy loves you right?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I love mommy too!" He told me happily. I smile at him softly. I kiss him on the forehead. Those three really need to stay out of are business. I'm stressed as it is. "Mommy, are you ok?" He asked me.
"Mommy's just stressed," I told him. "It's just hard for me to just leave you with my parents even though we did that all this year. I'd rather just stay with you but being a hero was my dream."
"Mommy and daddy are mwy herwos!" He told me as he throw his hands in the air happily. I chuckled some. I then lean my back against a wall and slid down to the ground. He sat on my lap looking at me.
   I ran a hand through his short black spiky hair that he had gotten from me and Eijiro. He looked at him with his bright red eyes that he had gotten from Me. He's teeth were somewhat sharp but I know when he gets his adult teeth they will be.
   "Mommy you lowk sad," Kijiro told me.
   "Because I don't want to miss out on your firsts," I told him. He frowned before hugging me. I hug him back, holding him tight.
    "I don't want mommy and daddy to leave me," Kijiro told me. When he said that it felt like my heart was yanked out my chest. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
   "I don't want to leave you either baby," I told him.
"Bakugo?" I heard someone say. I look up to see Tetsu. I whip my tears away. "What's wrong?" He asked me worriedly.
"It's nothing," I told him. He sat down beside me. Kijiro looked at him.
"I can tell somethings up," he told me.
"Mommy's upset cause he as to leave me," Kijiro told him. Tetsu looked at me with sad eyes.
"What does that mean?" He asked me.
"Since me and Eijiro are going to different agencies in different cities we can't live together and Kijiro is to young for him to live with one of us so he has to stay with my parents," I explained to him.
"Oh," was all he said as he looked out the window. I looked out the big window wall too. He then started to talk again. "I honestly couldn't imagine how you feel right now. You won't be there for his firsts and really his childhood in general. I feel sorry for you and Kirishima," he said. I look down at Kijiro sadly.
His right. I won't be there for any of it. Tears welled up in my eyes as I held back my sobs. I want to be there for his first. I want to be apart of his childhood. I then hear Eijiro yelling my name and Kijiro's down the hallway. Tetsu got up as he ran towards us.
"Tetsu?" Eijiro questioned.
"You comfort him. I'll take Kijiro back to your classroom," tetsu told him. He nodded. Kijiro ran to him and he picked him up and headed his way down to 3-A. Eijiro sat down by me and wrapped his arms around my neck. I laid my head on his shoulder letting the tears fall and the sobs to come out.
"Hey, it'll be ok," he told me as he ran a hand through my hair. I turned my head so my face was In his shoulder as I sobbed harder. I felt him kiss my head as he rubbed my back. I felt something wet on my head.
Is Eijiro crying?
I pull away and look at him. He had tears going sob his cheeks. His eyebrows where frowned as his bottom lip quivered. I put a hand on his cheek and whipped his tears with my thumb. He did the same to me.
"I know how you feel Kat. I want to be there for his first. I want to help him learn how to ride a bike and be there when he falls. I want to be there when he makes his first friend and when he gets his quirk," Eijiro told me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to me, hugging him. He hugged me back, wrapping his arms around my waist.

No ones POV
    They two sat there hugging each other as they cried and comforted each other. They cried for a good five to ten minutes before going to the restroom to clean up then headed to the classroom.
   When they got there they saw Kijiro was with Deku and his friends while there friends walked up to them.
    "I'm sorry. I know it's hard for you guys and Kijiro since you guys are his parents and everything. I shouldn't have sad what I said the way I did," Mina told them.
    "Yeah, we should have talked with it about you guys instead of just saying those things," Sero said. Kaminari nodded.
    "It's fine guys, things happen," Eijiro told them. They then hugged it out.

Sorry if it's been a while since I updated a actual chapter and I'm sorry it has a somewhat of a cliffhanger but I hoped you liked it.

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