Chapter thirteen edited

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-Time skip; one month-

The principal came down to the Bakugo house, Aziawa and All Might came along too. All Might mainly came to see Kijiro.
  They were all sitting in the living room. Nezu was telling them that they can come back to the dorms and bring Kijiro with them. Katsuki was unsure about the idea but Eijiro thought it was a great idea. Since its almost winter break they have enough time to move to the 2-A dorms and get everything situated.
  Nezu told them that they can tell there friends if there moving back to the dorms and anything else they needed to know about. Mitsuki and Marasu left the decision for them to make.

  When the principal and teachers left Eijiro and Katsuki talked about it. Katsuki told him that he wasn't really sure and that he was worried something would happen to Kijiro. Plus he doubts anyone in class once to walk up to a crying baby in the middle of the night every so often.
  Eijiro told him what he thought about moving back into the dorms. Katsuki looked at Kijiro who was a sleep in his arms, cuddled up to his chest.
   "So should we move back to the dorms?" Katsuki asked him as he kept rocking Kijiro in his arms. Eijiro walked closer to him and lifted up his chin.
   "If you don't want to move back to the dorms yet I'm totally fine with it. I support you no matter what your decision is," Eijiro told him before kissing him passionately on the lips. Katsuki kisses back. Eijiro pulls back and rest his forehead on his. Katsuki sighed.
   He wanted to move back but he didn't know if it was the best thing to do differently because they have to take care of a baby that's only a little over seven months. It was a hard decision. He knows that the class will help take of him because they been doing that for the last few months.
   "I need to think about it some more," Katsuki told him. 
   "That's fine with me, but let's get Kijiro to bed so we can get to bed," Eijiro told him. Katsuki nodded with a yawn. He puts Kijiro in his crib and they get ready for bed.
  When they get in bed they say there 'good nights' and 'I love you's' and went to sleep

Time skip

They move into the dorms a little before Christmas. Everyone was super excited besides when it came to night time, well for the guys anyways. Waking up in the middle of the night because of crying is a sever piss off for some of them. They started to feel sorry for what they went threw when they had to deal with it the first few months.
   They celebrated Christmas at the dorms. Katsuki's parents came down to celebrate, they also got Tadaaki to join in to celebrate his first real Christmas with his son and new family.

   When school started up again everyone wished it was still winter break. They just got back and they already have a project.

(I'm a asshole and it's only fair if they have to suffer like Eijiro and Katsuki did. Plus it's something most schools do anyways. My school does it but it's more of a elective)

They had to take care a baby robot for three days. Monday threw Wednesday. They could have a parter if they wanted one but it was best if they had one.
Midnights the one that told them about the project. Everyone got into groups with someone. Most of them got with there boyfriend or girlfriend.
There class time will get cut shorter then normal because taking care of a baby is hard work. Plus no one wants to deal with a crying baby during class. They weren't doing training either for those days.
Eijiro and Katsuki didn't have to do it because they already had a baby of there own. She told them if they need any help ask the nurse or Katsuki and Eijiro, or search it up.

   At the end of the day Midnight let them get in groups then gave each group a baby and a baby bag with all the stuff they will need. Eijiro went to the teachers lounge sitting room to pick Katsuki and the baby up.
   On the way to the room, the squad ran up to him. "We need help!" They yelled whiningly.
   "What kind of help?" He asked.
   "How do you take care of a six month old baby?" Mina asked. Eijiro doesn't really know how to answer the question. Yes he took care of one but he never really new how to actually do it. It was mainly Katsuki and Mitsuki.
   "You'll have to ask Katsuki," Eijiro told them.
   "Dude your taking care of a eight month old baby bro," Sero told him. "Give us some tips." He said showing him the baby in his hands. The other two nodding. 
   "I really didn't take care of Kijiro when he was that old that was Katsuki and his mother," Eijiro told them. They groaned.
   "Bakugo isn't going to give us any tips," Mina told him.
   "Just ask him," Eijiro told her. She sighed.
   "Fine," she said.
   "Hey, who's you're partner?" Eijiro asked her.
   "Oh, Toru, she went to the dorms already," Mina told him.
   "Oh, I thought she would team up with Ojiro," Eijiro told her.
   "Naw, Ojiro got with Shinso, his boyfriend," Mina told him. I looked at her.
   "Wait, they liked each other?" Eijiro asked her.
   "Yeah. They got together around the starting of second year. There not really open about it," Kaminari told him.
   "Oh that explains a lot," Eijiro said as they walked up to the door. They nodded there heads. Eijiro opened the door. Katsuki was on the couch reading a baby book to Kijiro who was in his lap as he sat crisscrossed. Kijiro tried to pronounce the words but he couldn't.
   Eijiro walked over to them. Katsuki stopped reading and looked at him. "Hey," he said. Eijiro smiled and bent down and kissed him on the forehead. Kijiro did grabby hands at him. Eijiro picks him up and holds him. Kijiro puts his hands on his shoulders.
   "Hey Bakugo, could you give us some tips on how to take care of a six month old baby?" Mina asked him. Katsuki stood up and looked at her.
    "Why?" He asked her confused. 
   "Well, the class has to take care a robot baby that's six months for three days," she said pointing to the robot in Sero's arms.
   "What kind of tips?" He asked her.
   "Any kind," she told him.
"Well the best I can give you is sleep when its asleep," Katsuki told them.
"At least it's helpful," Sero said.
"Well lets head to the dorms," Eijiro said. Katsuki nodded and stood up picking up Kijiro's baby bag and his school bag.
They all headed to the dorms. Katsuki and Eijiro went to there dorm they shared. Eijiro laid the sleeping Kijiro in his crib and sat his bag down at the end of the bed where Katsuki's and Kijiro's were.
"Hey Kat," Eijiro called. Katsuki hummed in response as he laid down on the bed. "Well, my dad wants me to come to his house this weekend," Eijiro started as he laid down on the bed by him. "Would it be ok if go?" He asked.
  Katsuki turned on his side and faces Eijiro, laying his head in his shoulder, wrapping his arm around him. "It's up to you if you want to go back to your old house," Katsuki told him.
   "I know, but will you be ok?" He asked.
    "I'll be fine, you and your father have been getting a long really well. I don't want to stop you from seeing him," Katsuki told him.
"I know, but I'm always going to worry about you," Eijiro told him, kissing him on the forehead.
"Yeah, I know," Katsuki said.
"If you need anything while I'm gone call or text me and I'll come back as fast as I can, ok?" Eijiro told him.
"Ok course I'll call you if something happens or if I need you but only if it's important," Katsuki told him. Not long after the two feel asleep. Yeah it was early but taking care of a baby and hero training is very tiring.

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