Chapter fourteen edited

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Eijiro's p.o.v.
   I was training with Midoriya in the training hall. We're helping each other out. I get stronger every time He hits me and he gets stronger because he can go as strong as he wants on me unlike he can with some of the other.
   I'd usually train with Katsuki but he's taking care of Kijiro. He doesn't really trust anyone right now since Kijiro got hurt. When I got back I asked everyone if they knew who put the glass cup there but they said they didn't know. I think they were scared or something.
   "Hey Kirishima, hows Kacchan doing?" Midoriya asked me as we took a break.
   "He's fine. He still worries a lot about Kijiro because his shoulder still hurts," I told him. I'm worried about him too. He'll wake up crying a lot.
   "Well, that's just his 'motherly instincts'," Midoriya said somewhat jokingly. "Kacchan never really been the one to worry a lot so this is probably new to him."
   "Yeah, I know that. But ever since the accident he's always worried Kijiro will get hurt again and I keep telling him he's a baby, he's going to do stupid shit," I told him.
   "Maybe once Kijiro grows up some he'll lay back some," Midoriya told me. I put my hands together and look at the ground. "Is something wrong?" He asked me with worry. Before I could answer my phone went off. I answer it.
   "Eijiro, I forgot my clothes in the room when I went to take a bath with Kijiro. Could you go get them?" Katsuki told me.
   "Yeah. I got to shower anyways," I told him before hanging up. "I got to go. Katsuki forgot his clothes," I told him. He gave me a confused look.
   "He can just wrap a towel around his waist," he told me.
   "He normally would do that but he doesn't want anyone to see his belly fat," I told him.
  "Didn't he get rid of it already?" He asked.
    "No. Recovery girl said it could take awhile to get rid of the pregnancy pooch," I told him.
   "Oh, will it's only been about two months since he started working out again but he doesn't always work out so it'll take a while," Midoriya said.
   "Yeah, he has to get out of his lazy habits he got while being pregnant," I told him with a chuckle. He laughed some too.
   "You better head back before Kacchan gets mad," he told me. I nodded my head. I grab my things and head to the dorms.
   When I got there I went to our dorm then got me clothes and his and headed to the bathroom.
   I opened the door to see Katsuki dressing Kijiro. "So you remembered his clothes but not yours," I said. He looked at me.
   "Shut it," he told me before finishing dressing up Kijiro and stood up. He walked over to me. "Hold him while I get dressed," he told me and grabbed his clothes out of my arms.
   "You know you can just walk to the room with a towel on your waist right? No ones going to judge you because you have a small belly," I told him.
   "I know that but I'd rather not do that," he told me. He finished getting dressed and I hand him Kijiro. "Plus it's embarrassing," he muttered. I smile at him. A wrap my arms around his waist from behind. Kijiro grabbed my hair and giggles. I smile at him.
   "I think you look cute though," I told him as I squeeze it some. I put a hand in Kijiro's hair. "Don't you think your mommy looks pretty?" I asked our son. He giggled and nods his head. "See, he thinks you do too."
   "He's a baby, he agrees with everything you say," he told me turning around. "Now, take a bath and hurry up for dinner," he told me and pecked me on the lips.
   "Yeah, got it," I told him before he left. I get undressed and wash myself, Before getting in the bath to relax some.

No ones p.o.v.
    Not long after Eijiro got in the bath Todoroki walked in. He washed up then got in the bath. They stayed quiet. Todoroki spoke first. "Kirishima, how were you able to forgive your father so easily?" Todoroki asked him. Eijiro looked at him confused.
   "Why? Didn't you already ask me this?" He asked.
    "Yes I did but how can you? He treated you badly but you forgave him," Todoroki said.
   "Well of course I forgive him. He tried to change so he could fix the relationship we had that he broke. It takes a lot for someone to want to restart something and actually want it," Eijiro told him. "Why are you so curious about this anyways?"
   Todoroki looked down and sighed. "Should I forgive my dad? After everything he did to me and my family?" Todoroki asked him, not looking up.
   "Do you want to forgive him?" Eijiro asked him.
   "I-I don't know," Todoroki said truthfully. "He abused me since I was young and never respected my sexuality. I caused my mother to lose her mind and one of my brothers to run away. How do I forgive him for that?" Todoroki told him. Todoroki was at a loss. He does but doesn't want to forgive his dad but after seeing how Eijiro and his father turned out he though it be best to forgive him but not sure if it's the right choice.
   "My dad did some bad things to. Going off late and getting drunk only to come back and hurt me. Calling me names I got called on a daily basis at school. It was really hard to forgive him for that. But your dad has been trying so hard to change and wanting to be a better father to you and your siblings, along with a better husband to your mother. For him it must be just as hard for you to forgive him as it is for him to change. But if you do or don't want to forgive him is up to you," Eijiro told him. Todoroki chuckled. "What?"
   "It's nothing, but I guess I could forgive him. My sister tells me all the time that he's changed and every time I see him he has," Todoroki told him.
   "Well, you know, maybe if you forgive him he can forgive himself of what he did to you," Eijiro told him.
  "Is that what happened with your dad?" Todoroki asked.
   "Yep! My dad couldn't totally forgive himself until I forgave him and because I forgave him I have my dad back and Kijiro has another grandpa," Eijiro told him. "I hope everything goes well with you and your dad."
    Todoroki nodded his head. Before Todoroki could say anything the door to the bath opened up. It was Deku. "Hey Midoriya," Kirishima told him with a smile.
   "Hi, what where you guys talking about?" Deku asked as he cleaned himself.
   "Well, Todoroki was asking me for advice about forgiving his dad," Eijiro told him. Deku got in the bath with them.
   "You want to forgive your dad?" Deku said surprised.
   "Yes, Kirishima was able to forgive his dad at it turned out really well so I thought I should forgive mine," Todoroki told his boyfriend. Deku hugged him.
   "That's awesome! Your dad will be so happy!" Deku told him. He let go and looked at Eijiro. "Thanks for helping him out," he told him.
   "Of course. He's a friend," Eijiro told him with a smile. Deku smiled back.
   "So Shoto, when do you plain on forgiving him?" Deku asked his two colored hair boyfriend.
   "I don't know. When is a good time?" He asked them.
   "What about tomorrow?" Eijiro told him questioningly.
   "I'll have to call my sister and see if he's home," Todoroki told him. "But I guess I could do it tomorrow."
    "That's the spirt! If you did me to come along I don't mind," Deku told him.
   "Thanks Izuku, but I want to do this myself," Todoroki told him.
   "Well I hope it goes well, I got to get going," Eijiro told them as he got out and got dressed. They said bye as he left.
   Eijiro walked into the room. Katsuki was on the bed on his phone, Kijiro asleep in his lap. Eijiro sat down by him, laying his head on his shoulder.
"Katsuki, I love you," Eijiro said out of the blue. Katsuki blushed some.
"I love you too Ei," Katsuki told him. Eijiro smiled and kissed him on the cheek before letting out a yawn. "Tried?" Katsuki asked him. He nodded his head. "Then go to bed."
It didn't take Eijiro long to fall asleep on Katsuki shoulder. Katsuki sighed and patted his check. He just let him sleep till dinner time.

Time skip

Todoroki's p.o.v.
I was on my way to my house to talk with my dad. I'm going to be forgiving him for what he has done to me so this can all go behind us. Plus ever since I told Izuku he wouldn't stop reminding me.
When I got to the house I knocked on the door. Not long after my sister opened it. She let me in and told me dad was in his room. I walk to his room and knock on the door. "Yes?" Dad questioned.
"It's Shoto," I told him.
"Come in," he told me. I opened the door and walked in. To be completely honest I was nervous. "Fuyumi told me you wanted to speak to me," dad told me. I nodded my head.
"I was talking to a friend who had a smiler past. He gave me some advice about why he forgave his dad. And I came here to say I forgive you even if you were a asshole to me, mom, and my siblings," I told him. He looked at me surprised.
"Why do you suddenly have a change of heart?" He asked me.
"Well, he and his dad are recovering really well so I thought I'd give it a try," I told him.
"I'm happy you were able to forgive me after all this time," he said happily.
All of a sudden my chest feels light, like I could breathe again. Like I was free. I guess this is how Kirishima felt when he forgave his dad. I feel so much better now that I forgave him. I just hope Natsuo can for give him.
"Well, that's all, I better get back," I told him. It was a bet awkward.
"What kind of advice did this friend give you to change your mind?" My dad asked before I left the room.
"He told me that he's dad couldn't completely forgive himself until he forgave him. But there really happy now after the year about they had and he could change he's ways. And I could see you were trying to do the same," I told him.
"A year? Didn't he go home over the break?" My dad asked. I don't Kirishima did. He lived with the Bakugo's and his kid.
"No. He lived with his boyfriend to help take care of him when he was pregnant," I told him. My dad then laughed.
"A guy can't get pregnant," he told me. I go one my phone and show him a picture of pregnant Bakugo and Izuku when we went over to his house to hang out. "Are you sure he's not just fat?" He asked. I then scroll over to the next picture which is Bakugo with Kijiro. He then looked at me with disbelief.
"Don't even ask. It's a weird story I don't want to tell. But Kirishima, the guy with red hair with a hardening quirk, is the one that gave me the advice. I'm not really sure what happened between them before that year skip but they hang out on the weekends and get to know each other better. Plus Izuku wouldn't stop bugging me about forgiving you," I told him.
"I'm glad you forgive me and I hope Natsuo can find in his heart to forgive me too," he told me. Yeah. Natsuo did say he wasn't going to forgive him tell I did.
   "Well I'm going, bye," I said before walking out. I said goodbye to Fuyumi and Natsuo before heading back to the dorms. I got back around lunch time so I sat down next to Izuku at one of the tables. I told him how it went and he was happy for me. Next is to say thanks to Kirishima.

Ok, the advice that Kirishima gave Todoroki is stuff that I experienced. Not that this works for all abusive relationship but it can work for some, mostly if the abuser is trying to change (I'm not a professional so I'm not sure if that's true or not).  (And if you do get abused or bullied I hope it gets better in the future). But I hoped you liked the chapter.

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