Chapter 18

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(Brendons POV)

If it wasn't illegal I'd burn down the damn school. Not gonna lie. My face still was ugly and painful and to make matters worse? Everyone knows Ryan and I got in a fight. Apparently "he won" so he's lying but that's fine I suppose. Nothing to brag about really. Luckily enough though, no one was praising him for it. In fact, because of my whole coma situation, everyone seemed to be on my side for once and let me tell you, it felt quite nice not even gonna lie.

"Graduation isn't too far away." Patrick says as we all walk to the cafeteria. "Finally I can be an adult and fuck shit up even more. In an adult way though." Pete says and I laugh and shake my head. I hope he keeps that spirit for a while, he's a good kid. Even if he is a bit of a crackhead sometimes. Aka him PISSING on people's pillowcases. Still feel threatened on the fact that he had the intention of them being mine. Him losing a bit of rebelliousness wouldn't hurt surely. Honestly I hope the whole group still hangs out because I can't even lie when I say I would miss this all too much, I would miss them like hell.

"We better all stick together or I'll be kicking everyone's ass." Dallon says and I nod. "Was literally just thinking about how I would miss everyone." I say and Frank pats me on my shoulder. "We ain't going anywhere bud." He says and I smile. "Maybe to ditch you for some chipotle or something." Tyler says and I laugh. "Valid excuse to be honest I can't be mad at that." I say as we all sit down. "What're you guys doing once we get out of here." Dallon asks and I sigh. "Adulting scares me." I say and he laughs. "You both basically live as adults, just Brendons parents pay for everything." Gerard says.

"Cough! Rich boy." Frank says and I shrug. "I have my own house though." I say in a sing song voice. "That we all invade 8 times a week." Frank says and I nod. "And trash it." I say. "And piss on my fucking pillowcases." Dallon says and Pete leans into Patrick. "Help tall giraffe is threatening me." Pete says and Patrick snorts. "Pissy Pete." Patrick snorts and everyone bursts out laughing while Pete pouted. The sun was shining through the windows and I felt warm inside. "Anyways what're you guys doing after school? I have a project but I'm trying to procrastinate." Tyler says and I look at Dallon. "I'm free so far." Dallon says and I nod and grab his hand.

"Then so am I." I say and Tyler fake gags at us and I smile at him. "No excuses, I just wanna go home and sleep so no." Frank says with a smile. Felt that, I can't blame him. Schools tough mentally and physically. Instead of study hall, there should be a period where we just nap. We deserve a nap time. "I'm down to hangout." Patrick says. We all agreed to just go to a coffee shop and get some drinks and talk. That way, if anyone has homework they can do it whole hanging out with us instead of skipping out. We take out hang outs very seriously. After lunch, the day seemed to just drag on so painfully and it was exhausting to even get through. I was excited to go get some coffee after school, because goddamn I will definitely need it.

After last period Dallon and I made our way to our car and of fucking course, there was Ryan. Literally leave us alone dude. God. "What're doing here?" Dallon asks and Ryan sighs. "I came to apologize. I realize how nasty I've been to you, and that's not who I am. I'm sorry for fighting you, and calling you names and making you out to be some asshole. I really am. It just sank in last night how childish I'm being and you don't have to accept the apology, I just want you to know I'm sorry and I'll stay out of your guys' relationship." He says and I nod. "I appreciate that, thank you." I say and he smiles softly and steps away from the car. We get in, and I look at Dallon, who looked just as surprised as I had felt.

"I mean, Ryan is a good kid, he just let something stupid make him think weird. I expected it sooner or later." Dallon says and I shrug as I buckle up. "Can we get French fries on our way there so I can brag?" I ask and Dallon raises his eyebrows. "I'll share them with you." I say with a smile. "Alright, deal." He says and I bounce excitedly in my seat. "Hell yeah!" I say and Dallon puts down the sun visor. "Glad you're so happy that the sun is blinding me. It's so pretty." Dallon says with a smile and I place my hand on his thigh. "Not to be cheesy but you make me feel this way." I say and I notice him blushing. We got our fries and then headed off to the coffee shop.

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