Chapter 7 - What If...

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Dedicated to: thenetwork01 So the network it's really great thing to help others and it's amazing tbh. they just finished the breast cancer week and now if im not mistaken its prevent bullying week. U should all go check it out.

OK aywyas on to the chapter hope you all enjoy this one! Tell me what you think and sorry about the late update!

Chapter 7

7 Years Ago

“Austin c’mon please you can’t keep going through this you’re going to end up in the fucking hospital. Please we need to tell someone,” I pleaded with him looking at his bruises and looked over to Adri who was sitting beside him cleaning his cuts.

“I can’t and you will not tell anyone neither of you,” he said giving me a hard look and turning to Adri who nodded her head sadly staying quiet. I threw my hands in the air in frustration and resisted the urge to punch or kick something. Adri give me a concerned look but at the same time the one that told me to relax. I sighed and sat down looking at Austin who looked depressed.

“Austin I’m sorry look it’s fine if you don’t want us to tell we won’t. Know that we’ll be here for you though whatever you decide,” I told him and even though I was biting back the words I wanted to say or more likely shout I said what I knew he wanted to hear.

I had to admit though I was scared and more than that I was stuck as fuck. If I don’t tell anyone Austin can get seriously hurt or worse but if I do tell he’ll never forgive me ad I’ll lose him anyways. I looked down at the floor fidgeting with my fingers until I finally came to my decision.

Present Time

It’s been a few weeks since I met Kaylee and we’ve talked every single day basically from 7Am all the way to 12 pm sometimes even later. Now we had a time difference 3 hours actually so sometimes I was up till 4am talking to her but it was just 1am over there. I would stay up as long as I could to talk to her until she said she was tired or I simply passed out. Our conversations ranged to everything, one minute we could be talking about Disney characters and the next it could be about her family or our struggles. I tried to avoid the family topic as much as I could though I knew that I would eventually tell her. Now it’s not because it’s some big secret or anything it’s just that I like what her and I have so much that I don’t want her to be different with me or pity me or anything, basically I don’t want anything to change.

Anyways though I’ve learned a lot about her, like her favorite bands which was 5SOS, her favorite movie like literally she wasn’t kidding is nemo and she’s in love with the lizard from Rango which I don’t get because the lizard is pretty ugly anyways though even with all these silly little things I’m pretty sure it just makes me like her even more.

Back to reality though it’s finally July 3rd which means tomorrow will be the day for all of us to get drunk, high, party, swim in the pool and have fun. We are going all out and throwing an amazing party. Ace and I always try to top last year’s party and this year will be no different.

“Austin we got all the food and the house is mostly ready for tomorrow all we are missing is the pool shit with the glow sticks,” Ace said closing the door behind him and dumping all the food in the kitchen.

“Okay perfect,” I replied and headed to the kitchen to check off the food from our checklist. I then sat down with Ace and the rest of the group and e began going over everything for the party.

“Ok let’s go over the list one last time guys just to make sure we have most of this,” I told them and they nodded gathering around me.

I looked at the list and started:

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