Chapter Twenty-five.

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              Ramona blows a strand of her hair out of her face as she carries Cain's lunch, she has been all over the place for sometime. She was mostly home with Ophelia in which turns out to be a lot harder plus the whole incident last week kinda has her on edge so now when Cain is at work, Chip has to go everywhere she goes because she doesn't feel comfortable being by herself anymore. Ramona walks up to Cain's door, she knocks before walking in.

Cain was walking around with a book, he looked like a teacher. With his suit and tie, glasses and his hair, not the usual curly mess it's in when he's at home. Not the usual boyish man that she married but she liked Mr. Papillon but preferred Cain.

"Martin Luther King main focus, of course, was to protest for rights for African American and as it states in his letter to Birmingham—sweetie." Cain finally sees her and everyone looks at Ramona because most of the kids never seen her in person except Jackie, only pictures of her. Leroy, one of his least favorite students mouth dropped open. Janice waves at Ramona and she waves back. "Hello, you seem like you have a really lovely class." Ramona says walking in and she sits her lunch on his desk. Cain walks over to the desk and kisses her cheek, the kids starts oohing and Cain rolled his eyes as Ramona chuckles as she looks at the kids. "You know today is his is—" Cain covered her mouth with his hand making Ramona laugh which was muffled. "Nothing, today is nothing." Cain says and he looks at Ramona, she laughs and she uncovers his hand from her mouth. "It's his birthday."

Everyone gasped and Cain grumbled as he looks at Ramona with that usual anger look he gave her but it was more like annoyed because Ramona always annoyed him but in a good way. "How old are you turning Mr. Papillon, fifty?" Leroy jokes and a few people laugh. "Shut up, Leroy, he's turning thirty. Maybe if you listened to the beginning of the year, he told us his age." Janice stated and Ramona sassily snapped rolled her neck. "And that's why I adore you." Ramona remarked and Cain starts leading her to the door. "Alright, let's get going Mrs. Papillon." Cain says and Ramona groaned. "Can I stay for... five more minutes?" Ramona questioned and she did that little pout that he could never turn down. "Fine, five minutes, that's it."

Ramona smiles as she sits at an empty desk, Cain sits his lunch down and he picks up his book. "Mr. King was writing to the clergymen about how they arrested him for exercising his right to protest also the term civil disobedience was used, who knows what civil disobedience?" Cain questioned and Ramona's hand shot up. Cain bites the inside of his cheek, he shakes his head a little with an amused grin. "Yes, Ramona?" He grinned.

"A peaceful protest." Ramona answered and she was high fived by a couple of kids. "Correct." Cain replied and he goes back to reading. Mr. Papillon was starting to grow on Ramona, she likes him teaching and it's kinda turning her on. Ramona lets him be and she leaves him to teach, she still had to plan this dinner she was throwing him.

Ramona gets back to the car and Chip was with Ophelia and Dahlia, in the backseat. "What took you so long?" Chip questioned and Ramona chuckles as she gets into the car. "I was messing with him, the usual." Ramona remarked and Chip didn't even question it because he used to Ramona and her ways. They decided to head on to their local supermarket because Ramona and Chip were gonna make him lamb chops, Chip was gonna help her because Ramona couldn't cook for shit but hopefully, she doesn't mess it up. Although, she can bake pretty well.

Ramona walked around with Ophelia, wearing her little sun hat and she was strapped to Ramona's chest with a large scarf, her Mom showed her how to do it because Jillian did that to Ramona when she was a baby. "You know, Cain is pretty upset about turning thirty." Ramona tells Chip who was looking at a man beheading a chicken. He didn't like things like that but it was kinda interesting. "Yeah, I know, he just feels like he's getting old on you because you're just twenty four." Chip tells her and Ramona frowns as she walks next to him, they both had their eye on Dahlia who was looking at some jewelry people sold.

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