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"ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS?" Ruby turned to her little sister, casting a suspicious glance at the house they parked in front of. The redhead was utterly silent, her blue eyed clouded over as she gazed at the small house.

"I'm sure," Jasper confirmed with a nod, facing her sister curiously. "Don't you want to find out more about Mom, too?"

Ruby shrugged lightly, trying to ignore the sensation of Jasper's eyes burning into her skin. "To me, Mom died fourteen years ago when you were born. I don't know if a creepy lawyer from Ohio can change that."

Jasper blinked slowly, taken aback slightly. "Well, he could help us find her. And if we find her, that'll change things, won't they?" Her eyebrows pressed together incredulously as Ruby just gave her another half shrug before pulling the keys out of ignition.

"C'mon," Ruby gestured with a wave of her hand, sliding out of the car.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot!" Jasper chirped, her hands flying into her bag as she began fishing for something. "Are we gonna need this?" She questioned, Hopper's fully loaded pistol dangling in her hand.

"Jasper!" Ruby hissed, stomping towards the redhead and shielding the exposed weapon with her body. "What the hell? Where did you get this?"

The redhead raised an eyebrow challengingly, a smug smirk dancing on her lips. "My dad is the Chief of Police and you're asking me where I got a gun from?"

"I'm not letting you carry a gun," Ruby muttered, taking the weapon and angrily shoving it in the backseat of the car. "You are a literal child."

"It's a shame, really," Jasper sighed dramatically, her bright blue eyes focusing wistfully on the stored away gun. "Because I was really planning on using that on our one chance of finding out more about Mom."

Ruby simply rolled her eyes, ignoring the sarcastic comment from her little sister. Her boots thumped on the wooden floorboards of the porch as she led the way to the front door. Jasper watched the older girl raise her hand slowly, hesitating. "Are you sure about this?" She repeated for probably the fiftieth time, and Jasper just scoffed at her.

"If I wasn't, we wouldn't be here. Just knock on the damn—you know what? I'll do it," Jasper shoved past her sister impatiently, rapping her knuckles on the door violently. "See? Easy!"

Contradicting her carefree statement, Jasper felt her body tense up with anxiety as she awaited the door to open. Ruby stood next to her as stiff as a board, wide dark eyes fixed on the door knob.

That's when Jasper made a promise to herself. That no matter what this man said to her, she wouldn't let him see the terror she secretly wielded. Truthfully, Jasper was always terrified now. She hasn't stopped being terrified ever since Will went missing on that horrid night, the night she discovered her abilities.

Nothing really had ever been the same.

The door opened with a wide jerk, Carson Oakes appearing lazily in the frame. "Hey, listen, girls. You're probably the tenth girl scout troupe to show up at my door this week, and while I love those coconut cookies you girls make, I'm really not interested."

He began to swing the door shut, but Ruby swiftly jut out her hand, slamming it against the interior wall before he could close it. Carson jumped back, eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets as he met the storm brewing in Ruby's gaze.

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