
260 13 7

(Author's Note: So... crap. I reached a writer's block on every one of my stories. The struggle is real, guys! I am telling you! But since I said I'd do this during writer's blocks, I'm going to start tackling my many shipping requests. Let's do this thang!) 

Request: ohmyrarity

Thoughts: Okay... I'll say this gently, but... I really don't like TwiDash. Just... a romantic relationship between them wouldn't really work because of how much they seem to drive each other crazy. Don't get me wrong. I love writing them as friends because I find their friendship dynamic adorable, but in a romantic relationship? Nope. Nada.

Rating: 0/10

Things To Say To Shippers: That's totally fine! I can still see why you'd like them together, despite my opinion. I respect yours completely. 

Thing To Say To Fellow Non-Shippers: That's cool, I guess. We can be fwends. ^_^

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