
170 10 8

Request: ohmyrarity

Thoughts: Okay, so... why are these two even a thing? One of my favorite audio dramas is Bride of Discord (that's where this image is from) and DisneyFanatic2364 was able to make them work during the audio drama, so I respected it during Bride of Discord, but outside of Bride of Discord... where did this come from?! How does it work?! Someone please explain to me! America, esplain! 

Rating: Nope/10

Things To Say To Shippers: Please explain how your ship works. Don't get me wrong. I don't hate it. It's not like I can't stand it or anything, but outside of Spike at Your Service... where do they interact? 

Things To Say To Fellow Non-Shippers: Yeah. Glad we're on the same page. 

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