Sparity (Spike x Rarity)

211 9 10

(Author's Note: Why are there so many inappropriate pictures of this couple? Do you know how difficult it was to get a decent image for this without having to change the story's rating to mature? For crying out loud, just let Spike maintain his innocence please! :'( But then I finally found this picture of them and it's pretty damn adorable. ^_^)

Request: ohmyrarity

Thoughts: Yeah, I'm cool with this one. I mean, it makes a ton of sense, they complement each other well, and they have good chemistry. Even though it's not my first choice, I still think they're pretty cute together.

Rating: 10/10

Things To Say To Fellow Shippers: Cool! I think they'd make a good couple as well.

Things To Say To Non-Shippers: It's okay. It's not exactly my first choice anyway. 

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