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Request: Can you believe it, guys? We've reached the last request from ohmyrarity! Oh my god, I feel so empty now... 

Thoughts: TwiShy is pretty cute. Not nearly as cute as TwiPie, but I do see them as a couple if the right circumstances arose. Good chemistry, complementary personalities, just... yes. <3 

Rating: 10/10

Things To Say To Fellow Shippers: Good taste! 

Things To Say To Non-Shippers: Yeah, it's okay. Honestly, not my first choice. 

(Author's Note: Alright, finally! Now that I've finally finished all of the requests I got, I'm now open to even more

Fake Common Sense Persona: MLP Reader, no! No more! You already took up so much of your time with these ones and I'm pretty sure a young girl such as yourself needs to be asleep at six in the morning! 

Ha! Well just watch me! Please give me even more pairings to write my opinions on! This book shall be neverending... well, maybe until I do every possible ship in MLP, but there's so many characters, I think this book can go on until my dying day. Byeee! Thanks for all your amazing support! <3) 

MLP Shipping Opinions!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora