SunLight (Pony)

228 14 7

Request: ohmyrarity

Thoughts: I'm okay with Sunset and Twilight, but since Sunset is always in the human world and pony Twilight spends most of her time in Equestria (obviously), I just don't see it working out. However, I think it's cute and I like to read fanfics of it sometimes.

Rating: 7/10

Things To Say To Fellow Shippers: Awesome! They'd make a cute couple if they didn't have a distance issue. ^_^

Things To Say To Non-Shippers: That's okay. It's obvious that they wouldn't be able to be together anyway. 

(A/N: And once more, getting the huge load of requests I have done! Don't be afraid to suggest more! Look back to the "AppleTiara" chapter to see which ones I am already doing, so the same ship is not requested twice. Thanks for reading!) 

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