
237 14 10

Requested by: aaliyahbadua

Thoughts: SoarinDash is amazing! I mean, it's not my favorite favorite, but it's definitely up there in my favorites. They have so much in common and amazing chemistry. Every time they're on the screen together, it's just teasing for the SoarinDash shippers. >.<

Rating: 1000/10 

Things To Say To Fellow Shippers: Woohoo! Let's be friends! ^_^

Things To Say To Non-Shippers: It otay. I understand why you'd prefer other ships. :) 

(Author's Note: Don't forget to request more ships! It can be any pairing, no matter how unusual it is. It just can't be one that I've done before, so don't request any of the previous chapters. Okay, have a great night! Byee! <3) 

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