
119 7 5

(A/N: Hey, everyone! I have horrible writer's block again, so I thought, "Guess it's time to update this thingy again!" Enjoy my meaningless shipping opinions that will not matter in ten years from now. ^^)

Requested by: -thatonetheatrenerd

Thoughts: I've... never been a fan. I mean, I like Flash Sentry and I think he's a good guy. I just don't really see him with Twilight, you know? But it's not bad at all and I wouldn't complain if the show writers went ahead and made it canon. 

Rating: 4.5/10

Things To Say To Shippers: I definitely see why you'd ship them. The scenes in the show regarding these two are super adorable! 

Things To Say To Fellow Non-Shippers: What's shakin', bacon? 

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