
182 10 3

(Author's Note: So... this was literally the only good image I could find of these two. Guess it's not a very popular ship which is fine with me!)

Request: ohmyrarity

Thoughts: So... I guess I kinda sorta maybe used to like them a little, but ever since they became cousins, it just kinda became a semi-incest ship for me? They're still distant enough and we don't know if they really are related, so I can still respect it. But yeah... not gonna get any ApplePie stories from this girl.

Rating: 0/10

Things To Say To Shippers: I do respect you for your opinion. Also, if anything, I love the name of this pairing. Just not the pairing in general.

Things To Say To Fellow Non-Shippers: Yeah, I get it. I don't care for them either.

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