
182 11 11

Request: ohmyrarity

Thoughts: UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Do. Not. Like. Them. No chemistry. No real interactions (except for that flower scene in "Twilight's Kingdom", but that was obviously a display of apology. Meghan McCarthy herself even confirmed it). Maybe they have some sort of a past together, but that's it. Otherwise, *deep breath* FLUTTERCORD WINS! 

Rating: -10000000000000/10

Things To Say To Shippers: So... I don't see anything wrong with this ship, so once again, I respect your opinion. But... at this point, your ship has sunk deep. The show (Episode 18, "She Talks to Angel") is even against you now.

Things To Say To Fellow Non-Shippers: Good job. Pat yourself on the back. You did it. You resisted the temptation of CelestiCord. 

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