Time Goes On

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Ever since the day I met my new brother Alexander, life has been a lot more interesting. I now had someone my age to talk to. Well, more like my current body's age but regardless it was still someone to talk to that wasn't completely terrified of me.

Of course, I wasn't allowed to talk to him during the day. Mother had actually forbidden me from seeing him at all. Likely something to do with her views on love. The same views she tries to force on me.

So during the day I stay holed up mostly in my room, reading whatever books I could reach. Occasionally, Mother took me to see 'Father' for family reasons but even then those times were few and far between. Even my meals are brought up to me rather than all of us eating at the dinner table.

Which meant Mother thinks that I follow her orders. She believes I stay away from Alexander. So Mother treats me the same loving way she always has. No punishments for playing with him, or being near him. I underestimated her cold shoulder skills before but never again!

At night things were different. See, I couldn't bear to just ignore my brother who was very adorable. So one night I snuck out of my room -which they never lock for some reason- and went to his room.

From there, I woke the groggy boy up and dragged him to the garden, quietly of course. We had played all night and barely managed to get back to our rooms. It was fun. Even if every time we play at night -which is about three times a week- I end up being really tired all day.

It's not so bad, I worked on less sleep during finals week. Alexander seems exhausted though, but he can get away with taking naps throughout the day. Something tells me I'm the only one who really talks to him.

Regardless, tonight might be the last night I get to play with him anytime soon. It has been a fun year but... my fifth birthday and the introductory ball is in two weeks.

Meaning that tomorrow I start being tutored for the various things I'm supposed to learn before officially going to school. Math, History, Magic, Languages, Dancing, and Etiquette classes will take up most of my time.

At the same time, Mother will likely spend more time watching over me. Simply because she said she'll stand in on my lessons to make sure I'm 'learning how to be a proper lady'. Which means she might notice if I'm extra tired due to any late-night escapades.

Guess I'll just have to take savor tonight while I still can. I hope Alexander understands. If he hated me over this, I don't think I could bear it.

Well, it's now or never. The staff doesn't go anywhere near the corridor that my bedroom is in at night. So I know from my door to the staircase will be clear of any personnel.

Thankfully, the floors are some weird marble with tons of carpets covering it so I don't have to worry about my footsteps making too much noise. The stairs are a slight worry because the runner on them is a little thin but a four-year-old doesn't exactly weigh a lot.

Going one floor down and crisscrossing through the corridors, I played an all too familiar game of hid and go seek with the staff who didn't even know they were playing. Which just makes me nervous every time.

It only takes roughly ten minutes to get from my room to his if I'm going quickly. At my careful pace, it takes more like twenty minutes. But it's fine so long as I get my time with my brother and only friend.

Knocking draw attention, so I simply open the door a little and slip in. Alexander is sitting awake on his bed waiting for me. A bed that is much more proportional and pretty looking than my own might I add. No, I'm not jealous! That's ridiculous.

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