Shot 11

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Laksh is seen sitting in his room all devasted..

He felt disgusted to even think about the morning incident..

He can't even bear those disgusting looks people sent him when swara accused him molestation.. None believed him including ragini.. He felt so broken..
Not only ragini even his own family doesn't believe him..

His mom said that she's ashamed of giving birth to him..

He chuckled sadly thinking about dp..

He asusual ordered him to leave the house and announced him as dead..

When did he even treat him as a son in the first place..

All believed that accusation and I myself doesn't want to stay here..

I would have vanished somewhere by now if at all my mom hadn't suffered heartattack.. Yeah she doesn't believe me but maa toh maa hoti hai.. He was bounded to stay because of her health but not anymore..

He saw the knife placed on his wrist..
I can't bear it anymore.. I can't live where people see him as a bloody rapist.. His eyes overflowed recalling evening incident..

He entered to kitchen to have some water and noticed pari bhabhi looking at him in horror.. She was looking at him as if he's some beast and was searching for any other human apart from her in that place.. It stabbed him.. It stabbed him badly to know that she fears for a rapist.. The person whom he respected after his mother now feels this way about him.. What Could be more biggest punishment for him than this..

He silently left the place with a heavy heart while pari sighed in relief..

His eyes overflowed with tears.. He was about to put pressure on the knife over his wrist when a sudden force snatched it from him..

He looked up to see ragini standing all furious in front of him while he stood shocked..


lak : rag.. Ragini.. You.. Here.. How.. I mean how did you come inside...

Rag : oh wow now that's what you are worried about the most. How did I enter this place.. Seriously laksh?

Laksh doesn't know what to answer.. He simply stood staring her.. Words failed to come out of his mouth..

Rag : are you mad laksh. Answer me? What are you about to do? How could you even think of this?

Laksh finally coming out of his trance..

Lak : then what am I supposed to do ragini when the whole world including my own family treats me like a rapist.. I agree I'm a playboy but I never forced myself on any girl.. I'm not so cheap to molest a girl.. Im a fool, immature, prankster, idiot everything, call me even a murderer but I'm definitely not a rapist.. I'M NOT A RAPIST..

Laksh fell on his knees breaking down.. Ragini could see how broken he's from within..

She sat before him kneeling who was sobbing bending his head.. She couldn't see him like this.. She placed her hand on his shoulder.. He lifted his head and his furious eyes met with her teary ones.

Lak : now why did you come here? You are also one among them who believed it right? Then why did you come here.. Aren't you afraid to be in the same room as a rapist.. Go from here else I may do the same thing what I did with your sister.. Leave.. Go away.. I don't want anyone..

Ragini cupped his face but he kept jerking off while she didn't give up..
Rag : laksh.. Laksh.. Laksh look at me once.. You are not a rapist.. You are definitely not. Take that thing out of your mind.. I believe you.. I trust you. Please don't say so again..

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