8† Priest Are You There?

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The four of them took an elevator after their meeting. Caterina went to the button panel and placed her badge up to it, letting an external door on the wall open up with more buttons to floors beneath them. Each labeled with some of the oddest titles. Caterina pressed the Laboratory one then shut the hatch. She stared at her reflection on the metal walls then noticed Mary's fidgeting reflected on the metal.

Mary tapped her foot and hand impatiently watching the door to the elevator, the electronics around her forcing her to clench her jaw. Something felt odd and made her almost feel sick over it. William noticed this too and leaned into her to whisper, "Don't worry. We won't do anything to you Sister. It's a lot more intimidating than it really is."

She partially stopped her fidgeting and stared amazed as they passed a section of cement wall that then opened up to glass. Seeing the large room was amazing, and eye opening. There were more secrets to the Vatican that most people on the outside will never be able to know about. But she was one of the lucky few to actually see some of it.

As the elevator halted, and the door opened, Caterina led the way through a metal detection doorway. It would ding at the obvious weapons and such. But the more dings in a row meant more metals. Caterina went through and only a beep went off. Mainly from her metallic accessories on her outfit. Next went William who crossed with only a few beeps. He smiled to the guard pulling his cloak away showing his holster and went on his merry way. Mary stopped, staring at the doorway in fear. She looked down to her thighs and stood firm. Tres watched her for a minute before putting an arm on her opposite shoulder from him. "We will cross together, Sister Mary Angelina." Mary stammered slightly before feeling the shoving from Tres. They passed through the doorway together and the alarms went off enough to have other people turn and look at what was going on. The guard smiled, turning the alarm off right away and apologizing for not turning it off before he went through. Tres looked down to Sister Mary, "I'm made of metal. Android."

Mary nodded slightly blushing. He knew she had weapons and still kept it a secret.

They passed some doorways that looked as if they were beaten from the inside out and some with bloodied windows. Mary felt the familiarness of her parents' lab and eyed the machines like crazy. Should could name the most basic of machines, things she thought she forgot. They came to a dark control booth with a secondary room from it that held a large area blocked with thick metal bars and a walking path closest to the front window of the booth. Upon entering the room, with ample seats for everyone, there was a big picture window clearly tinted, but probably just a mirror on the other side. Mary looked through and saw the Vampire woman from before. She sat cross-legged on a small mattress against the farthest wall from the one way mirror. Mary pressed up to the glass and stared wide eyed as if the woman was almost a statue. She didn't even look to be breathing.

Caterina watched Mary curiously, "Do you see now what we meant? She hasn't moved. Nor has she accepted any medical tests. Nothing can penetrate her skin, the needles shatter upon impact with her skin. We've been at a loss on what to do."

The lab tech brought in a clipboard to William and left promptly after bowing to Caterina, "It says here that they have been monitoring her since she was taken in. Tres can you find this file and pull it up on the screen?" William pointed to a code and had shown it to Tres.

Tres scanned it in and the small screen blew up to a full picture window size. The people stepped back and watched carefully. The time was sped up only times two as the workers brought her into the room and laid her on the bed. They tried taking her vitals and blood samples. The video had shown that their attempts to use any needle would just bust upon contact to her skin. One person walked up to a camera and shook his head, "Subject's skin feels smooth and fleshy to the touch, but upon impact with anything sharp causes the skin to harden and shatter our metal tools. We will await orders on what to do once we try this every day for a week. No sign of movement whatsoever. Subject sat up after we left the room from initial placement. She sat with her legs crossed and hands in her lap." William sped up the recording after he was done talking to times sixteen. Then to times thirty-two. Still her body never moved, yet you could see the blur of the workers coming in to speak to her. He sped it up to times sixty-four and sat down folding his hands in front of his face.

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