16† Bloody Mary

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Mary jerked Abel's head slightly, the wound on his forehead, from Eden slamming him into the wall, was now bleeding again. He was definitely not in the best of conditions to even fight back, nor did he want to fight against her. "I have some questions for you, Father. I hope you would be so kind as to answer them truthfully." Mary let go of his throat and pulled up her dress along her thigh. Carefully she slid out the dagger to hold it up against his chest. "I will drive this through you if I have to. So no funny business and answer my questions promptly when I ask them."

Abel nodded, watching her eyes as they slowly started to tear up. But they weren't normal tears, Abel could smell the iron as he realized her eyes started to bleed.

"This is my curse and I despise it, but I will use it if I have to."

"Who would do such a thing to a child...?"

Mary pressed the blade into his skin threateningly, "You're not in any position to ask questions!" She tightened her grip into his hair making him wince. Abel looked more drugged up and incapable of even fighting back. "Who is really in charge here?"

Abel grunted, "The Pope of course..."

Mary sighed and looked around, "Who is it that I can talk to, to find this vampire she's talking about?"

He thought for a minute and shook his head, "I don't think anyone knows who she wants to kill. I don't know, Caterina won't know." Abel leaned his head to the side to look at Eden, "She doesn't always reveal much when she's hunting. That was the scariest part on the ship. One minute she would be talking to someone all sweet and the next she'd ripped their head from their body without looking back."

Mary groaned angrily and watched Abel's eyes twitch, "What are you trying to do? How do I know that you're not the vampire she tried killing to begin with?"

"I'm not! I know that at least. Eden just has her own motives..."

"Answer my question!"

Abel nodded then looked down to the ground, "Eden..."

Mary sat up higher onto her knees blocking his view. "You really get distracted easily, don't you?" She pressed her bloody cheek to Abel's lips, "Why did she say she would drink your blood? I thought you only feed on vampires?"

Abel shook his head this time trying to resist Mary's blood from smearing too much over his mouth. "Eden is what they called pure. The first virus originated in her from centuries of being tested on. She can feast on my blood as if I were a full blooded Methuselah." Abel started to smile ear to ear and leaned forward into the blade, "But, we have special abilities, too. We can will our blood to move even if we aren't awake enough to control it. You should've seen Eden do it before."

Mary glared, pointing the blade directly at his heart, "Stop moving!"

With a shake of his head and his hair making a mess, Abel looked up with his big warm smile still on his face, "And even if we are unconscious, the virus is still alive and will by all means absorb any blood around it to keep the host living at all costs. It makes it easier for the virus to survive instead of having to live dormant. In a starving host, the Kresnik virus will be always searching for nutrients. This is why when we found Eden she was sedated continuously and inside an airtight vacuumed pod. Nothing in and nothing out. If she isn't continuously sedated, then her body can do things even if she's not in control of her actions."

With another glare Mary pressed her chest to the butt of the dagger which ground it into Abel's skin breaking it. Mary felt the warm blood on her hands and looked down confused. She had angled the blade perfectly so she wouldn't get blood on herself. Watching the blood start to crawl up the blade and onto her skin, Mary's eyes went wide. The blood kept moving along her skin and started a small whirlwind behind her. In Abel's glasses she noticed a black skinned body standing behind her. She whipped around to face the red eyed, glaring,hungry, and very pissed off Crusnik.

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