Flash Back (Part 1)

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1 1/2 months ago

Atlanta, GA

It was around the time I had cheer camp for nationals. Since I was the captain for Georgia Valley High School, I had to go to the special camp in Albany. I've been captain since sophomore year so I knew where the camp was. My bus driver was a tall, dark skinned fat man. He acted like he knew exactly where we were supposed to be but once it got dark, he started turning down different roads.

"What are you doing?" I asked, "This is not the right way." "Sit back, girl I know where I'm going." "You're supposed to be going to Albany. This is not the way to Albany."

"Yeah, the sign said you're now leaving Georgia. Why are we leaving Georgia?" Another girl pointed out. We all started panicing. I tried to call someone but I didn't have a signal. Nobody did.

We all knew there was nothing we could do, so we sat in a group at the back of the bus. He took half of us to North Carolina and half to Tennessee.

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