Take Me Away (Part 1)

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The Next Day

Memphis, TN

Quill hasn't waken up yet. Donovan's still in his spot on the floor. He hasn't moved. I've been alone. Crying next to Quill's body. I don't know if he's dead, but I can't stand to see him the way he is.

I wanna go home. I wanna go home, I keep telling myself. I went downstairs, got a bottle of water, some crackers, all the clothes in the closet and put them in Donovan's car. I was going home... and I was gonna to take Quill with me.

“Baby, wake up. Please, Quill," I begged. He moaned in pain. “I can't," he said. “Yes you can, baby. Stand up. I'll help you," I said. He moved slowly but he managed. I helped him down to the car, helped him in and made sure he was all the way strapped in before I went back in the house to get the keys. I took one last look at Donovan. At least the right one died.

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