Happy Birthday (Part 3)

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Later that night, Quill and I went back upstairs (after fucking on almost everything in Donovan's room. “You want yo surprise now?" Quill asked. I nodded. “Yes. Yes. Yes. What is it?" I said.

He went into the closet and pulled a big pink bag out. “You was a cheerleader right?" He asked. I nodded. He smiled. “Look at the cake."

It was bright pink and light blue. Happy 18th Birthday Captain. I smiled. “Captain, huh?" I said. He nodded. It wasn't what I expected but I loved it. It was better than getting beat or raped or anything I would've gotten from Donovan.

“Why don't you cheer fa me?" He asked sitting on the bed. “I can't do it in this," I told him. He pointed to the bag. “It's in there," he said. I took the cake out and it was a sky blue and white cheer outfit in the bag. It was the prettiest thing I've ever seen.

“Oh my god," I whispered pulling it out the bag. It had his name MaQuill printed on the front of the top in blue letters. I quickly put it on. “Oh my god. I love it," I told him. “Wait," he said,“Close your eyes." I heard him go in the closet again. Boy I swear he got everything in that closet. “Now open 'em and look in the mirror."

He sat a big shiny tiara on my head. “That feel right?" He asked sitting back on the bed. I nodded. I damn near wanted to cry. It felt exactly right. I kinda wished my mom could see me in the outfit.

I turned to him and he pulled me onto his lap by my waist. He kissed me. “Did I do good?" He asked. “Yes. You did so good. I love you so much." He kissed me again. “You like strawberry?" He asked opening the box. “How you know?" He smiled. “You just look like you like that sweet shit. I got yellow cake and strawberry icing."

“That's good," I said. I poked the cake and licked my finger,“Damn it's good." He laughed at me. “It a long way from crackers, huh?" I nodded. He gave me a big long kiss. “Happy birthday, baby," he said. 

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