Done (Part 1)

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My Birthday

Memphis, TN

I was half sleep, but I heard yelling. “Quill. Baby wake up Donovan's back," I panicked. “So," Quill moaned. “Baby, he's looking for me. I'm scared," I said. He sighed but got up. “Get in the closet," he told me.

I hurried into it. It was damn near bigger than our whole room plus the bathroom. So that's how he got all that shit in there. He took a pistol off the top shelf. It was the one from his tattoo. It still had the ribbon around it.

He only put one bullet in it. “Why?" I asked. “Trust me, I could get it in one shot," he said. I nodded. “Go ahead," I told him. He left. I was scared to death but I wanted to go see what was happening.

“Donovan?!" Quill's voice yelled. I got out the closet and went to the steps. “Quill?" I whispered. All I heard was fighting and yelling.

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