Chap. 3

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Chap. 3

Kyla sat in her room and studied her History textbook, her head full of confusion and worry. Nothing was right for her. Her grade point average dived from a 4.0 to a 3.8, her mother was starting to suspect something was up, Ramon and Anferni sent her death glares in the hallways at school (they were always talking to each other too, as if they were planning something..), and her daily treatment of mangoes dropped from once a day to twice a week. The thing was, Kyla couldn’t get her mind off of the decision that had taken away her best, sexiest and most fun boyfriends ever. Was it correct? A lot of girls had lost their virginities when they were younger than her and grew up to be fine. Or they grew up to be drunken women who wondered the streets knowing they would have to come home to 20 or so kids. Mainly, the second one. Kyla knew her choice was wise though, and that God would give her a promising future because of it. She also knew that everything would go back to normal in a month or so. She’d be back to straight A+’s before the semester ended and Anferni or/and Ramon would have girlfriends. She scratched her head thoughtfully and looked at the clock. 8 p.m. As sad as it was, it was time for Kyla to go to sleep. She always woke up earlier than anyone in her neighborhood to run around it carefree of anyone whistling or staring at her. She set her textbook on the floor, got up and brushed her teeth until they were screaming for mercy. She put her hair up in a messy bun and slowly changed into her pajamas deep in thought. Of course, she forgot to shut the window and ward off “Peeping Toms”. Catcalls and “Whoo-ey!” ‘s were heard from outside and Kyla glanced out of the window, struggling to put her arms through her shirt. A gang of boys were walking past biting their lips and making hand gestures at her. Let’s say, Kyla’s slumber would definitely be restless tonight.

She quickly tugged down the shirt, wondering why she had to be braless tonight and flipped the bird at the boys who went into hysterics. Kyla rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath in Spanish. She directed her attention to the boys behind the gang and froze. There was Anferni and Ramon again, whispering away. They seemed to be staring at something in her direction, particularly her. Kyla blushed and thought to herself, Did they see what just happened? Did they see me with my shirt off? She then smirked and rolled her eyes. That’s the most of what they’d be getting anyway. Ramon and Anferni seemed to have read her mind because they both stared mischievously and angrily at her. Ramon leant over and whispered in Anferni’s ear something and ended with a hearty bark. They were more than 10 yards away so Kyla had no idea what they were saying! Her eyes then widened. Were they talking about her? Anferni nodded in reply and cupped his hands under his chest and laughed too. Kyla’s blushed deepened and she closed the curtains sheepishly as her suspicions were confirmed. She knew exactly what they were talking about and she had never felt so violated and humiliated in her life! Anferni and Ramon would see her wrath alright. Especially when she had the entire football team wrapped around her petite tiny finger. Kyla turned off the light, got in bed and glared at the ceiling. 

 ~~~Thinking Outiside of the Box~~~

The next morning Kyla prepared her usual breakfast of oatmeal with sliced mangoes on top. It was an unusual dish but Kyla loved it! She had put her hair in a silky dark brown long ponytail (which all of the boys she had dated, Anferni and Ramon included, had loved to run their hand through.) and had dressed in a sports bra and shorts, which was her usual morning workout get-up. Once she finished, she called goodbye to her mother who she knew was asleep and ran out of the house, excited to get out. She jogged down the street and froze at what she saw next. Ramon and Anferni were sitting on his porch, 4 a.m. in the morning playing Nintendo D.S. Kyla’s eyes widened as she gawked in awe at the new two best of friends laughing and taunting each other over a child’s game. It was almost as if they KNEW she was up early that morning and jogging! I mean, who wakes up at 4 am and calls their buddy over to play a video game! It’s a fucking school day, Kyla thought furiously.

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